Part 1

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Sunny walked into the sleeping hall and laid down in her small cave, made just for her. The other dragons were in the training cavern for animus testing. 'Sunny, you can't be an animus dragon! You're too small and weak!' The older dragons said earlier. Sunny knew that they would never want a small dragon to be the sauce of ending the war. The only problem is that Sunny could hear the trainers in the other cave, so she secretly joined in.

"Ok now what you need to do is-" Dune started before starflight interrupted him.

"Where's sunny? Why isn't she here to check if she's a-"

"She can't be! Now let me finish! Ok, pick up a small rock." Dune said. Sunny picks up a pebble.
"Now say 'I enchant this rock to hit dune the sandwing'"

"I enchant this pebble to hit Dune the sandwing..." Sunny whispered, knowing that it wouldn't happen, but it did! The pebble flew out of her claws and flew into the other cave.

Sunny's eyes widened in shock. She had it. The magic! She was an animus! Sunny shook and quickly had to hide in the study hall, because webs, Kestrel, and Dune came into the sleeping caves.

"Sunny?! Did you throw a rock at Dune!?" Kestrel said mad, looking around the sleeping caves, searching for Sunny.

"What was that?" Sunny replied, walking into the room with an open scroll, "did I do something wrong?"

"Hmm.." dune studied sunny for a while, "no.. it's nothing.. a rock might have come down from the ceiling.."

That night was rough. The other dragons kept talking about the weird flying pebble that hit their elder. Luckily they didn't know it was sunny.

"I bet clay did it!" Tsunami said, leaning off the edge of her cave, "cuz it wasn't me!"

"How could I have done it! I was on the far side when the rock came!" Clay protested, crossing his talons together.
Sunny didn't want to hear what was happening. She looked up and saw glory looking at her weirdly. Glory then matched the colour of the cave walls to make her invisible. Sunny lay back down before being dragged out of the room by a moving rock, aka glory. Sunny realised what was happening. Glory was there when the pebble went flying out of sunny's talons.

The two dragons were in the study hall now.

"What was that?" Glory said, changing back to her regular colours.

"I-I don't know!" The little dragon loudly whispered, "I don't know what happened!"

"Hmm.." Glory looked around the large cave and picked up an empty scroll, "here, tell this scroll to write the truth about the rainwing's."

Sunny took the scroll.

"I don't think I want to, Glory..." Sunny placed the scroll on the hard rock floor.

"Please? For me?" Glory's talon rested on sunny's shoulder.

"Fine.." Sunny picked up the scroll once again, "I enchant this scroll to write down all truth about all of the rainwing kind."

And as Sun said, the scroll then wrote down everything about the rainwing's. Sunny took a couple of steps back, looking at her claws with a scared expression.

"Ok sunny, listen to me." Glory ran over to the tiny shaking dragon, "if you don't want to use your power then don't! And no-one will have to know! Ok?"

Sunny nodded and hugged the rainbow dragon in fear.
"B-but what if I lose my s-soul like the other animus d-dragons in the story's!" Sunny started to cry, "I don't want to end up like Albatross!"

"Shhh... it's going to be ok!" Glory reassured the yellow dragon, her tail intertwining with each other, "come on. Let's go back to bed, the others seem to be asleep.. oh and if you enchant anything else make sure it's for good."
Sunny nodded and nudged glory's side. Glory picked up the scroll, which was longer than before, and tucked it under her arm.

When the two entered the room everyone was asleep. Glory made her way to her cave, sunny followed her.
"Can I stay with you tonight, glory?" Sunny asked, "it's ok if you don't want me to."

"No no, it's ok. You can." Glory lifted her wing, welcoming the tiny dragon to lay down next to her, "I was just going to read this."

"Tell me everything in-" Sunny started before yawning, "in the morning..."

Sunny lay on the cool floor, warming it up with her own body heat. The tiny dragon closed her eyes and drifted into sleep.

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