I don't care.

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*later that day*

Kylie's POV.

Okay. Rick and I made the dumbest mistake. I know. We're both dumb and irresponsible parents. I didn't know what was going through our heads. As of now, Ricky and I were driving back to Scranton. Michael, Keaton and Jace went to a friends house so they weren't involved in this situation.
I knew my Mom was mad, and that all of the MIW boys would be angry.
I love Lilah, she's my little girl. She's our little girl. Our little angel.

Lilah's POV.

Ryan-Ashley explained why I was at her house, and what my parents did. And honestly, I feel like shit. I feel like they don't even care anymore. I figured that I might as well get comfy in Ryan's house, because I wasn't going back to mine anytime soon. I don't want to see my parents. I never thought they'd just "forget" about me like that.

I was sitting on Ryan-Ashely's couch, I listened to Ryan-Ashley's voice talk to Korel on the phone explaining the situation to him.

I didn't want to cry. But I was on the verge of tears. I just don't want to believe that they did that. A couple minutes later, Ryan hung up the phone and looked at me.

I looked up at her then down at my fingers. I shook my head and a small tear ran down my cheek. She ran over to me and sat next to me on the couch. Quickly, she grabbed me and pulled me into her chest. I finally decided to let my tears out.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." Ryan-Ashely said hugging me tighter.

"Why don't they care?! I just don't understand!" I yelled sobbing.

"Lilah. They do care about y-."

"No they don't! If they did they wouldn't do this!" I yelled standing up quickly, walking back and forth.

"Don't let it get to your head Lilah. You're with Balz and I, and you could stay here as long as you want. Please know that we love you babe." She said standing up and walking over to me.

I shook my head. "I'm leaving." I said grabbing my jacket and wiping some tears away.

"Lilah, where are you going?" She asked looking at me concerned.

"Angelo." I simply said grabbing Balz's car keys, and walking out the door.

I quickly got into the car and sighed. I shook my head and began to drive.

I soon got to The Black Casket, I quickly ran in and greeted TJ who was I guess helping Angelo. He spotted me and smiled.

"Hey Lilah!" He said walking up to me.

"Hello, TJ." I said giving him a hug.

"Whatcha need kiddo?" He questioned.

"Angelo. Is he here?"

"Yeah, he's in the back." TJ said smiling.

"Thanks Teej." I said giving him a small smile and walking off.

I walked to the back
(aka Angelo's "office") I opened the door slowly and saw Angelo drawing some sketches. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey, Bud." He said standing up and walking over to me.

I sighed. "Hey, Ange." He walked up to me and hugged me.

"How've you been?" He asked pulling back from the hug.

I looked up at him and shook my head, then looked at the floor. "Okay, I guess."

He looked down at me, and sighed. I looked up at him again and shrugged my shoulders. He soon moved a small piece of hair behind my ear and looked down at me.

"Uncle Angelo, loves you Lilah."

I nodded. "I know, I love you too Ange."

"Angelo." I said looking up at him.


"I came here for something else other then to see you."

"And that is?"

"Tattoo." I simply said.

His eyes widened.
"Lilah, remember what happe-."

"No. I don't care about my parents, they don't control my life. Please Ange."

He sighed. "Okay. Fine, but it still depends on what you want."

I rolled my eyes. "Remember that old sketch book I used to have?" I asked.

"Yeah, the blue one." He said raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah. And it had a couple little birds on the front page."

"You want the birds?" He asked.

I nodded. "Right here." I said pointing to my arm.

He nodded. "Okay. We can do that." He said giving me a small smile.

I smiled. We soon walked out of his office and into his tattoo room.

I sat on the chair and he started to get ready, and within a couple of minutes. The process began. I sighed and tilted my head back and looked at the ceiling.

"When are your parents supposed to be back Lil?" Angelo questioned.

"I don't even know, not that I care though."

"Ryan-Ashely's gonna have a serious talk with your Mom, while Chris is probably gonna beat the shit out of your Dad."

"It's not like they're gonna listen."

"You don't know that."

"Yeah, whatever."

(A/N: okay, I'm sorry I haven't updated. I've been sick. And I'm sorry this chapter is bad but I promise the next one will be better, I love you all❤️)

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