All Mine.

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*this whole chapter is going to be written in either Kylie's POV or Ricky's POV :) enjoy*

Ricky's POV.

Today is finally the day, tour is over and we all get to go home and rest before our next tour. I decided that I wasn't gonna go to my house just yet. I have some other things to work out with the mother of my children.

Yes. I'm gonna go see Kylie, I can't wait to see how much she's gonna yell at me because of Jessica and how I'm not a good parent. And I'm ready to hear her out, I don't know what was going through my head when I asked Jessica out again.
I obviously love Kylie.

I was currently driving to Kylie's house, and I was nervous as fuck! I know I shouldn't be because I know I did wrong.

After a couple minutes I pulled up to the drive way and sighed. I soon got out of the car and walked up to her door. I sighed again then finally knocked.
No answer. I knocked again, still no answer. What the fuck? I grabbed the door knob and turned it, it was open. I walked in and looked around, I shut the door behind me and saw no body. I looked around in the living room then heard a voice from on top of the stairs.

"Ricky?" The familiar voice questioned.

I turned around and there she was. Kylie was standing on top of the stairs, she was wearing grey socks that went up to her thighs and a pink sweater that went above her socks. My guess is that she was wearing shorts under her shirt but who knows.
She still looked beautiful, she also looked different, she dyed her hair a peachy pink color and she got more tattoos.

"Kylie." I said looking up at her. She walked down the stairs.

"What are you doing here?" She asked looking at me.

"I came to see you, I needed to talk to you." I said walking up to her.

She still seemed shocked.
"A-About what?" She asked.

"I wanted to apologize. I'm so fucking sorry that I let Lilah do all that shit on my watch. I love you Kylie. I never stopped." I said looking at her beautiful blue eyes.

She looked down at the floor. And shook her head.

"Kylie." I said gently tilting her head up.

She made eye contact with me. I wanted to kiss her, should I? Is it too early? Awh fuck Ricky be a man!

"Ricky, I don't think that-."

"No, Kylie don't be like this. Please you can yell at me all you want. We just need to talk." I said cutting her off.

She sighed. "Fine." She then walked to the couch and sat down with her legs criss-crossed.

"Go on." She said looking at me as I sat next to her.

"I'm sorry. I know, I screwed up. I wasn't being responsible. I'm sorry I let Lilah do that to herself while she was on my watch Kylie." I said looking up at her beautiful face.

She was looking down at her fingers. "Ricky, do you not understand how dangerous this could've been.
Lilah could've died! Imagine if we would've lost our daughter!" She said looking at me and beginning to yell.

"I know. I know. Hit me, yell at me louder, tell me I'm the worst Dad ever. Cause I know I am. I screwed up." I said looking at her again.

She looked up at me.
"But, there's one more thing."

"And that is?"

"Jessica. Really Ricky? Out of anyone else in the world." She said running her fingers through her faded pink hair.

Can You're Heart Still Break? (Sequel to Love Isn't Always Fair)Where stories live. Discover now