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Chris's POV.

It's been a couple days since I last talked to Lilah, she's been acting strange almost too strange. The night she came home she was wearing all black, Baggie clothes, and big sunglasses keep in mind the sun wasn't even out. I've been contemplating on calling Kylie or Ricky but I don't know if I should tell them just yet.
But then again it's for Lilah's safety not that Ricky's gonna help with yelling at her.

Fuck this shit I'm calling the boys except Ricky obviously. I decided to call Ryan so he could contact the others. I stood up from my couch, grabbed my phone and dialed Ryan's number quickly.

After 4 rings he picked up.

"Hello?" He questioned.

"Jesus Christ took you long enough Sitkowski." I said annoyed.

"Calm your shit what the hell do you want?" He said annoyed.

"I need your ass to call all the boys including Angelo but not Ricky." I simply said rubbing my forehead.

"Why?" He questioned.

"There's something wrong with Lilah. Just hurry, we need to go see her before Jace, the Twins, and Kylie get back to their house."

"Fine. We'll be there in a while." Ryan said hanging up.

I sighed and ran up stairs to go change. When I was done I grabbed my car keys and got into my car on my way to Lilah's house.

*30 minutes later*

I got there after a little while and when I pulled up into the drive way Ryan, Angelo, Devin and Balz were already there in the front yard. I quickly got off of my car and walked up to them.

"Took you long enough, fucker." Angelo said chuckling.

"Shut up." I said rolling my eyes and walking up to the front door. Hopefully we'll get something out of Lilah.

Lilah's POV.

Currently, I was laying on my bed smoking some marijuana and drinking a beer. I was also listening to Bring Me The Horizon and was as peaceful as ever.

Then a couple seconds later I heard my name being called down stairs by 5 deep familiar voices. My eyes widened and I say up quickly. Fuck! I yelled quietly. I ran to my bathroom and his my beer under the sink and for threw the marijuana out the window. Suddenly I heard the voices getting closer. I quickly grabbed perfume and sprayed it everywhere so the smell would "drift away".

"Lilah!?" I heard Chris's voice yell.

I ran to my bed, pulled up my black hood and put on my ray bans sunglasses. I tried to act as normal as possible, then the door knob turned on my door. I took a deep breath then my door opened slowly.

"Lilah?" I hear Chris question.

"Hello? What are you doing here?" I asked sitting up. He walked into my room then suddenly Angelo, Ghost, Ryan, and Devin followed behind him.

"I need to talk to you Lilah." He said looking at me concerned.

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm fine get out." I said a little aggravated.

"Babe, don't be like this. We're not here to yell at you." Devin said walking up to me.

"No. Stay away. I don't wanna talk to any of you." I said sitting up and leaning against my bed.

"We're worried about you Lilah." Balz said coming up to where Devin was. Devin sat down and Balz behind him.

"There's nothing to be worried about. I'm fine. I told you guys." I said pushing up my sunglasses.

"Bub. Why are you wearing sunglasses it's not even sunny in here or outside?" Angelo said raising his eyebrows.

"My-Umm My eyes hurt this morning." I said obviously lying, I knew my eyes were red and watery because of all the amount of Marijuana I consumed.

"Can you take them off? Please Lilah. We just want to talk to you." Devin said coming closer to my face.

I hesitated. He then grabbed them and took them off carefully. All of their eyes widened.

"Lilah! What happen to you?!" Chris said running up to me, I obviously looked like shit I was pale as fuck. I had bags under my eyes.

"This happen." Balz said coming out of my bathroom with the beer bottle, a bag of cocaine, and some marijuana.

My eyes widened. And so did all of theirs.

"Lilah! Not again!?" Chris yelled running up to Balz.

"It's nothing big! It doesn't matter just leave me alone!" I yelled running up to Balz and grabbing everything. But a very strong Angelo pulled me back.

"Lilah! This is an addiction! You can't do this anymore!" Angelo said pulling me onto my bed again.

"I need it! I don't wanna be alive! Not without Michael. Just please give it!" I yelled started to get frustrated.

"Michael!? This is about Michael!? Your putting your life in danger because of Michael!?" Chris yelled grabbing the half full beer bottle and smashing it on the floor.

"Chris!" Devin yelled.

I began to cry. Angelo wrapped me in his arms and sat me on his lap.

"Chris. Your scaring her. Stop." Angelo said looking at him.

"That's it! I'm sick and tired of Michael ruining your life! This is all his fault!" Chris said running out of my room, and a couple seconds later I heard the front door slam shut.

"I think you guys should leave. I'll be okay." I said standing up from Angelo's lap and zipping up my jacket.

"We can't leave you Lilah! Not with this going on! Let us help you. Please Lilah." Angelo said standing up In front of me.

"No. I don't need help. I don't wanna feel anything." I said going to my night stand and pulling out a cigarette.

"Don't even try Lilah." Devin said walking up to me and grabbing it.

"Leave me alone! Can't you see I'm hurting!? I don't want to be here anymore! Just leave! Leave!" I yell dropping to the floor and pulling my knees to my chest.

"Lilah, can't you see? Look at yourself. You're a mess babe. You weigh almost nothing, I can see almost every bone and vein in your body. Please, let us help." Devin said sitting next to me.

I shook my head. "No!" I yelled crying.

"No matter how many times you say no Lilah, we're not going anywhere. Until your mom gets back in 4 weeks we'll be staying with you. No more drugs or alcohol." Balz said grabbing the drugs and the beers and putting them in a trash bag.

"Yeah right cause it's so easy to give up an addiction you've been doing for months." I said mumbling to myself.

"For how long?" Devin questioned.

"4 months." I simply said.

"Lilah! We could've helped you!" Balz yelled.

"I don't need help! I need Michael!" I yelled running downstairs.

I just want Michael back. Why don't they understand.

Can You're Heart Still Break? (Sequel to Love Isn't Always Fair)Where stories live. Discover now