Leave Her Alone.

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Kylie's POV.

It's been 2 nights since we arrived back in L.A. And so far everything's going fine. But there's just one thing that's bothered me ever since we got back. Ricky. Yes I know we're not together and that I can't control his life, but still are you kidding me? She ruined Ricky and I's relationship not once, not twice, not three times, but 4 and probably many more that I didn't know about!

Lilah is clearly upset about it, I mean she ran away and I can't blame her for it I'd be mad too. Her phone has been ringing and buzzing non-stop. Texts from Hayden, Ricky and the rest of the MIW Boys begging her to tell them that she's okay. All she does is ignore it, she's not gonna answer any of them. Why don't they understand that she just needs time alone? Is that to much to ask? I mean c'mon! The poor kid just realized that her Father is back with the Woman who ruined our family. I decided to Skype call Chris, I am sick and tired of them trying to reach Lilah at all times when she wants clearly nothing to do with them right now.

I sat in TJ's bed room with my laptop in front of me. Since TJ had to go to the studio it's just Jace, the Twins, Lilah and I home. I clicked Chris's name on my screen and waited for an answer. After a couple rings it was connecting. Then I saw them. All of them. 5 men dressed in black appeared on my screen.

"Kylie!" Chris yelled with excitement.

"Hello." I simply said back to him.

"A-Aren't you somewhere in Europe? I thought the Internet connection was bad over there?" Chris asked.

"No. I'm back in L.A. I got here 2 nights ago, I'm staying with TJ, the kids are also here. Jace, Michael, Keaton, and Lilah." Chris's eyes widened.

All of their eyes widened
"Lilah! She's okay?!" Chris asked.

"Yeah. She's fine. I mean If you call laying on the couch for almost 3 weeks, crying herself to sleep and not eating okay. Then yeah she's doing super!" I said sarcastically.

They all looked at Ricky, and Ricky looked down at the floor.

"S-So I assume you know what's been going on with her and I?" Ricky questioned still looking at the floor.

"I am fully aware, and couldn't be any fucking more disappointed with you." I said as my tone changed from normal to extremely bitchy.

"Kylie. I can explain." Ricky said finally looking up at the camera.

"Woah! You won't believe how many times I heard of that excuse when you cheated on me for her." I said rolling my eyes.

"Kylie. Please. I'm sorry, please just let me talk." He said again looking at me.

"We'll talk when you get your ass back to Scranton. As for all of you, including Ricky. I want all of you to make absolutely no contact with Lilah. Her phone has been buzzing non stop because you guys can't give her a goddamn break! Am I clear?" I yelled.

They all looked at the floor. "Crystal." They all said in unison.

"I'll talk to all of you later." I said clicking the end button on my laptop and hanging up.

I closed my laptop and laid down. Ricky is such a douche.

Lilah's POV.

I was in the living room laying on the couch. Nothing New. I haven't gone out of this house since I got here 3 weeks ago and I don't plan to. I was wrapped up in a ball with a couple of blankets over me, tear stains stained the blankets and my shirt. I've been crying non-stop, but why now? Why 3 weeks later?
Because realization just hit me, my Dad is in a relationship that ruined my chances of my Dad raising me. He was never there, all because of her. It just hurts to think about it.

Keaton, Jace and Michael have been trying to get me out of the house but I didn't want to. I curled up into a smaller ball and closed my eyes until a deep voice said my name.

"Lilah." Jace's voice said.

I opened my eyes. "What?"

"C'mon, get up let's go do something." Jace said looking down at me.

"No. Leave me alone." I said grabbing the blankets and pulling them closer to my face.

"Bub, laying here crying is a waste of time." I heard Keaton's voice say.

"Being alive right now is a waste of time." I mumbled to myself.

"Lilah!" All 3 of them yelled in unison.

"What!? It's true isn't it!? This obviously isn't affecting you because you actually had Dad there for half of your life! He was never there for me! Never!" I yelled turning around and looking at Michael and Keaton.

"Lilah please don't be li-."

"You both shut the fuck up! You guys had TJ! You guys are happy as fuck since Mom is back with your guys' Dad! But what about me!? My parents can't even be in the same room for less then 10 seconds!" I yelled pointing at Keaton and Michael.

"Lilah, we know. and we're so fucking sorry you had to go through-."

"No! I don't wanna here it! I want my life back! My Parents back! Hayden! Just leave me alone! All of you!" I yelled standing up, when I began to walk. I started to feel dizzy then the world suddenly blacked out.

(A/N short chapter, I know. but I kinda wanted to keep it like this with a small cliff hanger at the end. I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far! I love you all♥️)

Can You're Heart Still Break? (Sequel to Love Isn't Always Fair)Where stories live. Discover now