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*Later That Day*

Lilah's POV.

I'm gonna be in so much trouble with my parents and all of the guys, but at this point I guess I don't care I don't wanna be trapped in that hellhole anymore. Soon enough Hayden and I arrived to the CTE guys' house where they all lived together. He grabbed my hand and we walked up to the front porch.

"Hayden? What if they don't want me here?" I questioned looking up at him.

"Lilah. They love you! We won't mind one fucking bit about you staying here." Hayden said looking down at me.

I sighed. "Okay." We soon both reached the front door. Hayden grabbed the door knob and turned it. The door quickly opened and when we walked in I saw 5 other men around the living room. I spotted Brent.

His eyes widened. "Lilah?" He questioned.

"Hey Brent." I said looking at him nervously. All the guys soon smiled and ran up to me.

"Lilah! I'm so glad your here!" Andy said running up to me and giving me a hug.

"Hello Andy." I simply said back.

We all said our hello's. A few minutes later we all went to go sit on the couches. I was cold as fuck but I didn't wanna tell Hayden, I left my jacket at Angelo's house so now I was only wearing a Black Craft Cult shirt, black sweats, and a pair of old vans.

"How've you been Lilah?" I heard Benn ask.

"These past weeks? I've been okay I guess, but living with Angelo isn't fun." I said looking at him.

"You can stay with us bud. We'll make sure you get everything you need, we'll help you." Brent said looking up at Hayden and I.

"Maybe I will. I just don't know." I said rubbing my arms hoping some of my "coldness" might go away. Hayden seemed to notice. He looked down at me and touched my arms.

"Jesus Christ Lilah. Your cold as fuck. Benn go get her a blanket from my room." He said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to his warm body. A couple minutes later Benn came down stairs with maybe 3 large blankets. He carefully placed them over me, and Hayden helped him. I cuddled closer to Hayden putting my head on his chest.

"I hate getting all of this attention and help." I said looking down at the blankets.

"I know Lilah, we know you don't like this. But we wanna help you because we all love you. We just want to make you feel like you again. We miss the happy smiley Lilah babe. We need you back, please let us help you with anything because that's all we wanna do." Benn said looking up at me.

I smiled and looked up at Hayden.
"It's true baby." He said leaning down and kissing my lips. I kissed him back while everyone was watching. I pulled back and chuckled into Hayden's chest.

"Are you guys a thing?" I heard Dave's voice say.

"No." I simply said.

"Ouch." I heard Hayden say.

I looked up at him. "No, I mean. I'm sorry. I just ca-."

"Babe your fine, it's okay." Hayden said chuckling.

My face turned red and I buried my face in my hands.

Hayden laughed. "Jesus Christ your adorable as fuck!" Hayden said grabbing my waist and carefully placing me on his lap.

"Quit." I said looking down at him.

"No! You're beautiful." Hayden said kissing my forehead.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. Then I changed the subject completely.

Can You're Heart Still Break? (Sequel to Love Isn't Always Fair)Where stories live. Discover now