96. Vinati

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Warning: you might find some triggering, sensitive themes across this chapter (such as violence or mentions of abuse)

Bianca's POV

My head was aching badly by the time I opened my eyes.

Darkness. That was all I could see with the exception of a beam of moonlight coming from a high window covered in bars. A strong smell of blood and humidity hit me a second later, making me immediately scrunch my face up. It was at that moment, when I tried to bring my hands up to my face, that I realized they were tightly tied to my back.

The last events before I blacked out suddenly rushed back to me after the situation finally sank in. I was at the ball with Sadie, Alec was crowned as the mafia king, there was an attack, I went through that corridor, fought those men, they managed to drug me, and then... blankness. It didn't take me much longer to connect the dots though; I already knew I've been kidnapped and I perfectly knew who was behind it.

I looked down only to find that my gown was long gone and that I had been changed into a dirty, oversized, white shirt. I tried to suppress the shudder that threatened to creep up through my spine at someone changing me, but I wasn't able to. I was simply starting to panic, the reality I was in and the memories of the first time I was ever kidnapped whirling back to me didn't help to calm me down.

I shouldn't be surprised. This isn't exactly what we were expecting but I guess it's close enough. Now, all I have to do is trust Sadie and Massimo, which I already do. After all, my life and future depends on them, I only have to hope they're fast enough.

Taking a few deep breaths, I successfully calmed myself after a few minutes. However, that calm didn't last as long as I hoped it would've since I was startled at the sudden deep voice that spoke on the corner of the room.

"You're finally awake."

I turned my head towards the sound of said voice and squinted my eyes, trying to figure out who the broad, clearly male silhouette standing in the dark corner was. The silhouette started taking slow footsteps forward until the moonlight hit his shiny, black shoes. Then, as he kept walking, the light moved upwards as well, showing his expensive, dark suit and creating a small glint when hitting his watch, which blinded me for a second.

My face controrted into an angered expression with my jaw clenched and eyes set on a glare after the moonlight finally reached his face, showing me the one and only Angelo Vinati, who stared back at me emotionlessly. He ignored me as he nonchalantly walked to the other side of the room. There, he pressed on something that turned on an old, single lightbulb on top of me, one I'm only now realizing was there.

I squinted my eyes, taking my time to get used to the sudden brightness, thought the bulb did not even lit the whole room, just a small circle. Once I was used to it, I watched as Angelo placed a metal chair —just like the one I was tied to— opposite to me and, never breaking eye contact with me, sat down, leaving the center of the circle the light created in the middle, perfectly situated at the same distance from one another.

"You don't even know how long I've been waiting for this to happen," he spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"What? Having me tied up in one of your disgusting chambers as your captive? Are you enjoining it?" I smiled sarcastically.

He only gave me a smirk. "Yes."

I shook my head, a disgusted scowl taking over my futures. "You're a fucking crazy, sadistic monster."

His smirked vanished from his face after my words and instead his whole demeanor darkened, especially his eyes. Lord, his eyes had turned five shades darker with something I suspected could be fuming anger.

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