88. Breaking Point

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Sadie's POV

Maddie was driving like a madwoman, swiftly swerving through the lines of cars, earning complaints from other drivers and probably breaking more than one traffic rule, but I couldn't care less, not right now.

An agonizing fear stroke my heart, gripping it with tight force, and I found myself having difficulty to breath. I had never ever felt more scared than when Emma called me, right after Chase informed me that they had found Jett wandering close to my brother's apartment. That man worked with Angelo and Nikolai, he couldn't be trusted.

"Calm down, little genius," Nathan whispered to me when he noticed my erratic breathing.

I lightly nodded, grabbing his hand with a bit difficulty due to him being sat at the back of the car while I was sitting at the front. Don't get me wrong, I was still mad at him for breaking his promise, but as selfish as it sounds the comfort and reassurance he brought me was something only he could do. Just by muttering a few words and touching me I could already feel at ease, like I could now think rationally.

This doesn't mean I won't discuss the problem with him, I'm still a fierce believer that communication is one of the most important bases of a relationship. But right now, when my brother's in danger, is not the best moment to stop and talk about our issues, just like it wasn't after discovering Holden's betrayal.

A new rush of adrenaline hit me when the apartment block came to view. Even before Maddie could park properly, I was already opening the door and jumping out of the car, holding the gun close to myself.

"Maddie, stay in the car in case we need to flee or to warn us if anybody else comes."

She nodded at my words and Nathan and I walked into the building, ignoring the confused and annoyed glances from other passersby.

"Go raid the place, make sure the rest of the building is safe," I ordered him.

He stopped on his tracks, consequently stopping me too. I stared back at him in confusion while he gaped at me, reluctance shining bright in his eyes. "Sa—."

"I'll be fine," I quickly reassured him with soft voice.

I understood his hesitation, this situation was dangerous, but he had to trust that I knew how to defend myself. He ended up nodding and, with one last reassuring squeeze on the hand, we parted ways. With my heart beating rapidly, my feet rushed up the stairs —not bothering to try the elevator— and then towards my brother's door.

Once I reached there, I quietly neared my ear towards the wood, hearing muffled sounds as if someone was speaking. That made the fear increase; if what Emma had said was true, my brother was supposed to be home alone. Before I could stop to think, my fist already found itself pounding on the door with urgency. Seconds passed and I still got no answer, so I kept knocking furiously on the door until I got tired. I then grabbed my gun, closed one eye and shot the lock before pushing all of my body weight against the door, successfully slamming it open.

My eyes frantically scanned the room in search of any threat, widening when they fell on the sight in front of me. My brother was tied up to a chair that belonged to his dining room and a white cloth was covering his mouth and muffling his words as he tried to speak to me with a scared expression on his face. I took a step forward with the intention of running towards him, but I was stopped by a sudden strong force hitting me in the back of my head.

I lost balance, my vision became blurred and an annoying ringing resonated through my ears. Everything around me seemed to be twirling around. The gun was taken away from my grasp, but I was way too dizzy to fight or even notice. My other hand, meanwhile, went to touch the spot on my head that was burning with pain and I didn't feel an ounce of surprise when I noticed the crimson red liquid that had tainted the pad of my fingers. On the other side, broken shards of the vase that used to decorate my brother's living room were laying on the floor, hinting me of what object I had been hit with.

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