79. Permission

740 39 7

Third Person's POV

Beck sat in one of the many chairs of the meeting room while Angelo and Nikolai spoke, mainly about business. A breathless man suddenly barged into the room, earning himself a glare from Angelo. He gulped down but still spoke up due to the severity of the news he brought.

"Sir, they had found the tapes about that girl, Hannah," he announced as he bowed lightly.

Angelo and Beck both smirked, sharing the same kind of malice.

"My little bird's sister? Damn, it was time already," Beck chuckled, now finally getting rid of the impatience that emerged when he discovered the existence of the recording just a few weeks ago. At first, he obviously wanted to destroy it, but Angelo convinced him not to, knowing it would cause more pain to the youngest Dark Ghost if she knew the truth about her sister.

"But now they will cause problems," Nikolai scowled. "They'll want revenge."

"Don't worry, they'll be busy punching other people's noses," Savannah smirked widely while staring at Beck. Of course she knew about him and Hannah; she despised him for what he had done and for showing no remorse at all, thus she never let an opportunity to pick on him pass.

"It was just once," he grumbled, sharing the same dislike for the blonde woman, even though he didn't really have any special reason other than thinking of her as annoying.

"Yeah, because you danced quite closely with his pretty little girlfriend in his own club and he saw," she continued the teasing.

"At least I'm not here just because I'm good in bed—."

"Stop it, you both," Angelo cut them off sternly, tired of their petty, childish fight.

"What will we do now? I don't think the bitches will do nothing after what they found out," Nikolai questioned as he signed the papers Angelo asked him to, handing them over to him a minute later. Savannah wanted to talk back at the appellation he used; however and for the sake of her cover, she kept her mask on.

With a smirk, Angelo grabbed the papers from the Russian's hands and kept the small stack inside one drawer. "Don't worry, my friend, I've already got a plan."

"What is it?" Beck asked airily while Ryker, who had been silently sitting in the corner of the room, glanced discretely at Savannah, her never meeting his eyes. Tearing her gaze off Angelo and looking at the young boy could imply suspicions from others, she couldn't allow that.

"Patience is the key, young man," Angelo said and then smirked. "Plus, you should already know I don't go around telling my plans."

"What are those?" Savannah couldn't help but ask when she saw Angelo taking some papers that were on his desk with the intention of putting them inside a folder. The latter stared at her with darkened eyes, which hinted her that he didn't like her question at all. Still, she tried her hardest to hide her fear as she gulped down.

"Gattina, you do remember what curiosity did to the cat, right?" Savannah meekly nodded. "Then shut the fuck up and mind your own business," he sneered and with that, the tension of the room grew even more if possible. (Kitten)

What Angelo didn't know was that he had sparked Savannah's interest on those papers and she was planning on doing anything to uncover what they were about. Whatever it takes.


"So you are meeting Savannah and maybe Ryker?" Holden asked in utter shock. He could've expected a thousand other ideas for today's meeting, but not that.

"Please, don't tell me you're going to hit the roof too," Maddie deadpanned at him.

"Well, it's just... it doesn't seem like the best idea," Holden lightly shrugged, not knowing how to explain his point of view.

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