63. Brooklyn Bridge

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Bianca's POV

After leaving Manhattan behind, the car entered Brooklyn with me in the passenger's seat and Alec on the driver's. Alec had been driving for the past twenty minutes while silence engulfed us. Not even the radio was turned on, allowing our soft breaths to be the only sounds heard apart from the occasional honking coming from other cars due to the traffic.

I had no idea where he was taking me or what he had planned for us. I tried asking, but he only replied by saying it was a surprise or simply shushed me, so I eventually gave up and dedicated the ride to observe the landscape.

I don't even know what I'm doing here, I shouldn't be. I should have ignored him just as he avoided me all those days I asked him to talk. But, I don't know why, I couldn't. Part of me wanted to be here with him and see what he was planning, what he had to say. Was it mere curiosity or was it another thing?

"We are here," he announced once the car came to a stop, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I stared out of the window, realizing Alec had parked in a car park somewhere in Brooklyn. He got out of the car while I was once again lost in thought. I was broken out of my daze when he opened my door and stared down at me with a raised eyebrow and offering me his hand to take.

My eyes flickered from his face to his hand, doing a quick mental pondering. Should I take it? Should I ignore it? Those two questions were swarming through my mind as well as the reasoning on why choosing one or another.

After a couple of seconds, I finally decided what to do and turned my gaze back to his face, hesitantly grabbing his hand and accepting his unnecessary help of getting out of the car. A shiver run down through my spine- and not because of the wind- when he tightened his grip on my hand and pulled me closer to his chest, our breathings heating each other due to the proximity of our faces.

"Thank you," I mumbled with a cold expression, pulling away and recovering from that tingly sensation I always feel when I'm with him or when we touch.

Alec simply nodded at me and motioned for me to follow him. Heaving a sigh, I walked up to him and we both started walking through New York's street side by side.

I didn't even bother asking where we were going, already knowing I would be getting the same answers I got in the car. Though I did show my annoyance of not knowing our future whereabouts by narrowing my eyes playfully every time he looked at me.

"What's your favorite ice cream flavor?" he asked all of a sudden.

"Um, cookie dough or pistachio," I replied with a frown, not quite sure why he was asking that now.

However, my unasked question was answered when he walked up to an ice cream stand which was on the street. I went with him and he gave our orders to the kind-looking man behind the stand. I wanted to get my wallet out and pay for my ice cream, but as soon as my hand neared my pocket, his hand gently grabbed a hold of my wrist, preventing any movements. He then brought his wallet out and payed for both treats as we bid the kind man goodbye.

We resumed our walk after he handed me my cookie dough ice cream while he got himself a simple vanilla one.

"Why did you do that? I could have payed for mine," I asked him, digging my spoon in the creamy, cold dessert.

"I wanted to," he shrugged and dismissed the topic.

I was quite surprised at the lack of awkwardness between us. A comfortable silence accompanied us as we walked through the streets for around ten or maybe fifteen minutes, a soft breeze fanning our faces which intensified when we finally reached our destination.

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