25. Cupcakes

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Josh's POV

It's been a couple of days since Maddie was released from hospital. She's been on bed rest ever since, doctor's orders. The only problem is that Maddie wasn't so keen on doing so. She said and I quote 'it could be the president's orders, but I'm not going to stay in this bed the whole fucking day'. So you can guess it's been a bit difficult to convince her.

She's also been a little down ever since she told us about her past. Reliving all of that must have taken a toll on her.

I'm honestly heartbroken. I wanted to cry that day at the hospital, but I held myself back. I just can't believe how a human being can be that cruel to abuse his own flesh and blood. I just want to kill that bastard.

Sadie and David have been working really hard trying to find Maddie's father. The rest of the guys have been helping too in everything they could. It's not being easy for us because the underground fighting club has no cameras, so we don't know where to start looking. We also suspect he is with Angelo, so if he has his protection, it will be harder to find him. But slowly we are managing to get some information.

I don't know what we will do when we find him though. That's all up to Maddie. After all, it's her father, her past, her revenge.

But that's for another day, because honestly I'm exhausted of seeing everyone down. Maddie isn't the only one who has been in a crappy mood, the other girls too. It's like when one of them is sad, the others are also kinda down. The same happens with positive emotions. I low key find it cute, but don't tell them.

Anyways, I wanted to do something to try and lift everyone's mood up, so I decided to bake cupcakes using my mom's recipe. When I was little and I was upset, she used to make me some of these to cheer me up and it always worked. Mine aren't as good and tasty as my mom's, but they are pretty close so I hope they work too.

"Guys! Come down here, fast!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Not even a second later, a bunch of thundering steps were heard throughout the penthouse and soon there were nine figures looking around for any danger in the kitchen with alarmed expressions.

"Hey," I greeted sheepishly.

"What the fuck, Josh!?" Hunter yelled at me.

"We thought something had happened, idiota," Nathan added with annoyance, but you could tell he was relieved. (Translation: Idiot)

"Hey! Don't call me an idiot or you won't have any cupcakes," I told him, but he completely ignored my threat as his eyes lit up at the mention of food.

"Cupcakes? Your mom's recipe?" he asked me now eyeing the tray of freshly baked cupcakes.

"Yup," I said with a grin. Sometimes my mom made them for the boys too and I knew they all loved them almost as much as me.

"Wait, so we almost fell off the stairs, because of cupcakes?" Maddie asked in disbelief and I shrugged, but then realized something.

"Uh, shouldn't you be in bed resting, missy? What are you doing running around?" I scolded her.

"Well, I wouldn't be 'running around' if someone wasn't shouting for us to come!" she sassed, emphasizing the word someone. Meanwhile, Nathan tried to take one cupcake, but I slapped his hand away and narrowed my eyes at him.

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