21. Stuck

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Bianca's POV

After three endless hours, the meeting was finally over. Alec and I walked out of the building towards my car, holding our umbrellas tightly as it was raining heavily outside.

"If we leave now, we may be able to arrive before midnight," he commented after looking at his expensive watch.

"Well, let's get this show on the road then," I sighed as I sat myself on the driver's seat while Alec got into the passenger's one.

"Don't you want me to drive instead?" he asked me as I buckled up.

"Are you implying that I'm a bad driver?" I retorted him with a raised eyebrow.

"You know I didn't mean that. But it has been a long day and you've already driven here. I was just asking you in case you were tired," he defended with a bit of annoyance on his tone.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Plus I don't let anyone drive my baby," I replied with a smug smile, earning a small scoff from him.

I started the engined and pulled out of the parking lot. Soon we were driving through the quiet roads, being extra careful because of the rain.

We were sat in a comfortable silent. The only sounds heard were the raindrops falling against the glass of the car. I briefly looked over to Alec and saw that he was looking out of the window, looking quite lost in thought, probably thinking about the meeting we just had.

We didn't discuss much. Holden was telling us about how the gang activity has lowly increased in the past few days. To confirm it, Harrison, the guy who is the boss here when neither the Romano's nor Adams' are around, told us that some of their shipments have recently been intercepted. Their main suspect are the Russians.

During the rest of the meeting we updated them on our plan and made some more strategies, but they weren't really important.

I also learnt a bit more about the Italian mafia and Vinati mafia family's long rivalry. Apparently, the tension has always been there. They were never allies, but I don't think they could be called enemies either, even though they did have some disagreements at some times.

It all got worse when Angelo stepped up and took over the gang. He started attacking them, messing up with their shipments, sometimes even involving the police with their dirty work. Then was when the real rivalry started. I don't know Angelo's reasons, but Alec says that it's just because he is power hungry and wants to take their empire from them.

Now, you may be wondering why we met in another city when we all live in New York. Well, I'm not quite sure, but I strongly believe that with Angelo and Nikolai roaming around the city, they just wanted as discrete as possible.

"You can put some music on if you want to," I told Alec, breaking the silence.

"It's fine, I don't mind," he replied, briefly adverting his gaze from the window to me.

"Really, it's ok. You can put whatever you want on," I insisted. He opened his mouth to say another thing but I cut him off.

"Please." I just wanted him to put some music on because I barely know him and I feel that music is a great way of knowing someone.

"Fine," he sighed in defeat and soon after that soft music filled the car.

I must admit this man has got some good music taste. Some of the songs playing were some of my all time favorites. And by the way Alec was tapping his fingers on his thigh, I could tell they were his too.

On the very little time I've known Alec, I've realized that he is a man of few words. He doesn't give much of his personality away. His cold and dominating demeanor makes people give him respect without the need of using any word. And I honestly respect that.

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