46. Childhood Memories

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Third Person's POV

"Any information?" Angelo asked the young man sitting in front of him.

"Not much. I spent the night at the club spying on them until this happened," he said pointing at his broken nose.

"How did you manage to get your nose broken?" Angelo asked with a hint of anger.

"Ask Alec Romano," he spat venomously.

Angelo responded with an eye roll and an annoyed sigh. There were times that some of the people that worked for him really irked him. He felt that they were incompetent and useless and sometimes they lacked of guts to face the cruel world that surrounded them in the mafia.

"He also came with his cousin and other of his little friends. They all picked up the girls," the man added.

"In my most sincere opinion, I think there's something going on between the Ghosts' leader and Romano. You should have seen his face when he saw me dancing with his little girlfriend. Sexy girl she was. What a shame she will soon die," he laughed darkly as an evil grin appeared on Angelo's face. Those were the times he remembered why he hadn't killed those incompetent workers yet.

"So Ms Blackwell and Mr Romano are starting to grow... especially close, huh?" Angelo concluded.

"Yup," the other man nodded, a dark glint in his eyes.

Angelo just let out a sadistic laugh. He loved being in control, being the master that moved his puppet's ropes. He now had even more valuable information than before, and he enjoyed that feeling of power.

"This just keeps getting better and better," he chuckled.


Melanie's POV

Engulfed in a comfortable silence, we drove through New York's streets. Today we were going to the house I lived in during my childhood, that place I used to call home. And I have to admit I was a nervous wreck. My hands were shaking nonstop and my heart was about to burst out of my chest.

This time, Sadie and David didn't have enough time to trace the text message, so the only thing we knew about it was that it was sent from a burner phone; nothing else. We have our suspicions on who sent it to us, the first one being Angelo. However, we are not quite sure.

That's why we decided to ignore it for now. Maybe this was a trap or maybe he really did want us to stay away. However, life was about taking risks. We couldn't just sit there and do everything Angelo says while he plots something to kill us all.

I also had made my choice; I wanted to come. I'm tired of being held back by the pain caused by my parents' neglect. I know deep down I will always be the little girl that just craved for their love and attention, even if it was for just a minute a day. But as sad as it sounds, I know that won't happen. And now it's time I fight my inner demons.

The rest of the girls are coming as well as the boys. Bianca was still hellbent into coming alone, but the guys made it pretty clear that they were tagging along wether we liked it or not.

Finally, the neighborhood came into view, making my nerves grow. I felt Audrey, who was sitting next to me in the car, grab a hold of my hand as she looked at me reassuringly.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You can still wait in the ca—," she softly said but I cut her off.

"No. I want to. I'm just nervous, that's all," I said, turning back to look through the window.

Hundreds of memories came rushing back; from when I used to go to and come back from school by myself even if it rained heavily, to when I used to hang out with my sister and her friends. Salty tears formed in my eyes but of course, I couldn't let them fall. I needed to be strong.

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