95. Mafia King

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Third Person's POV

One of the most important days on Alec Romano's life had arrived.

The huge hall was filled with elegantly-dressed people who were already drinking champagne and talking amongst themselves, creating a soft chatter that joined the classical music when it came to set the perfect environment. The place was decorated on every corner as per Adaline's wishes, loads of servers were scattered around, offering the guests more beverages. It looked like one of those typical rich parties that high-society people attended.

What an irony though that this party held some of the most dangerous people to have ever walked on this earth.

Dressed almost as elegantly as the people inside, the young man quickly rushed to open the limousine's door once it stopped in front of the venue's entrance. He held the door open, allowing the girls to walk out one by one on their expensive gala dresses which Adaline had insisted on shopping for them. A 'welcome to Italy' gift, she'd said when they politely refused.

Bianca adjusted her green dress before she started walking towards the huge staircase that received them and leaded them towards the wide doors, the girls following behind. Up the stairs and in front of the big mansion stood Alec and Nathan, waiting for them.

Alec was a nervous wreck. Today, it felt like reality stroke him, he was going to become the boss of all bosses, the Don of the Italian mafia. He remembered the plenty of times he had dreamed of this moment while growing up, as he trained and trained to become the man he is now, the man he's about to become.

Nathan stood by his side, a bit anxious as well. As happy as he was for his cousin and the achievements they were both getting, Alec stepping up meant that he also had to do so and become the underboss. He feared he would fail, too.

Sadie walked up to her boyfriend the moment they reached the top of the stairs, grabbing a hold of his hand and planting a kiss on his cheek, to which he smiled lightly. Meanwhile, Alec and Bianca ignored the couple, being too invested in one of their stare fights to pay attention to their surroundings.

"Are you all ready to head inside?" Alec questioned after clearing his throat, still not able to take his eyes off Bianca.

After receiving all affirmative responses, the seven of them walked inside the wide hall where Josh, David and Hunter awaited them. The latter's jaw dropped the moment Audrey came to view, totally mesmerized by how she looked. Meanwhile, the other two offered them kind smiles before complementing them. Josh then approached Alec, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze before sighing out loud.

"Ready for the most boring part of the night?" he questioned.

Alec suppressed an eye roll, keeping his emotionless expression intact as he recalled the organization of the night. Giving Josh a curt nod, he turned to Bianca.

"Are you ok with me leaving for some time? I have to greet my guests. You know I wouldn't leave you alone if I didn't really have to—," he whispered into her ear until he was cut off by a peck on the lips.

"I'll be fine, I'm not a kid anymore. Plus, I'll be with the girls," she reassured him which made Alec join their lips together once more.

Wandering eyes stared at the couple, slightly shocked that the cold mafia heir was publicly showing attention to someone, to that unknown woman. Alec could feel their gazes on the back of his neck yet he couldn't care less. He knew a month ago he would have, but now all he wanted was to show the world how lucky he was. Bianca was his and he was already Bianca's, the future queen. It was already time people knew she was just as untouchable as he was.

Just as he was about to push his tongue inside, Bianca pulled away and pursed her lips together into a tight smile. Alec frowned in confusion, but he dismissed it, respecting her decision, and left along with Nathan —who also bid Sadie goodbye— and David to greet their guests after pecking her cheek.

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