10. Niagara Falls

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Bianca's POV

What? A weekend trip? Did he hit his head on his way up or what?

We were looking at Holden with blank faces, not moving an inch nor showing any emotion, but I knew that deep inside we were all shocked by his words.

We may have apologized, but I don't think we'll be able to spend a whole weekend together, just like that. And he thinks we'll bond? We'll probably end up murdering each other in our sleeps.

"Congratulations. You've officially lost your fucking mind," Maddie deadpanned breaking the tense silence. And for once I agree with what she just said.

"What makes you think that we are agreeing to go on a weekend trip all together?" Hunter said with his eyebrow raised.

"The fact that it's already decided, Mr Ross. If you have any complaint, you can always call your boss, Mr. Massimo," Holden calmly said and he groaned in response.

"Shit, if my uncle has already made this his decision, then there's no way we're going to convince him otherwise," I heard Nathan whisper to his friends. Great then. Note the sarcasm.

"So you are sending us away in the middle of a mission? What happens if Angelo attacks us? Or him and Nikolai do something while we are out of the city?" I questioned him. The whole point of teaming up with the Italian mafia was to kill Angelo, not to go travel around the world with them.

"You aren't going right away, Miss Blackwell. First, we'll wait for a few days to prove the Don's theory is right. If it is, then you'll leave. I'll be here in New York in case anything serious happens regarding Angelo's issue. And Mr Massimo is sending some of his men here as bodyguards to protect you," Holden explained.

"How is this little excursion going to help us anyway?" Alec asked him with his arms crossed.

"To become a better team. I know you mainly avoid each other in this place. There's no possible way you'll ever get along if you don't even try and actually get to know each other," Holden said, trying to convince us.

"And what happens if this whole plan of my father and yours doesn't work? What if we end up hating each other even more?" Alec defended.

"Well, Mr Romano, let's hope that isn't the case. For all of our sake's," Holden sighed and resumed speaking with a hopeful look. "So what do you say?"

We all looked at each other, trying to communicate with our eyes. We knew we could spend the whole day arguing about this, but it was going to happen one way or another.

"It's not like we have any other choice, do we?" Sadie said with exasperation and Holden smiled. Why and how does he always leave us without a choice?

"And where are we going?" Audrey asked with annoyance but also curiosity.

"We have been searching for lots of places and destinies for you. We didn't want you to travel too far away, but we wanted you to have a change of scenery—."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. We don't care about that shit. Just tell us the place," Maddie interrupted him.

"We have booked you a couple of hotel rooms in Niagara Falls," Holden said.

Well, at least seems exciting. I've never been there, but I've read of how beautiful the falls are. And honestly, it's a place I've been wanting to go to for a long time now. This trip had to have its pros, right?

While I was lost in my thoughts, I saw Maddie smirking from the corner of my eye. Please tell me she's not thinking that.

"No, Mads. You're not pushing anyone into the falls," Sadie warned her but you could see the amusement was present.

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