61. Caught

885 39 11

Sadie's POV

"Who's there?" a male voice snarled in a thick Russian accent.

I immediately texted Audrey back, asking her to hurry up and making sure no light of the phone could be seen by blocking it with my arm. She texted me back within seconds, letting me know where she would park and the time she would take to reach there.

I put the phone back on my pocket and focused on the scene that was happening. Both men started taking slow strides towards my hiding spot, making my heartbeat increase almost unnaturally. One of my hands quickly reached for my gun and took it out of the strap, in case I needed to shoot.

"We know there's someone there," the other man called out angrily.

I quietly moved further into the boxes, trying to fit myself between them and the wall. Their footsteps could be heard more loudly with each passing second, meaning they were getting closer.

This is what Bianca was trying to prevent. I knew I had fucked up and I will take the blame for this, because after all I'm at fault if something happens to me. I have to live up for my mistakes. However, I will not stop fighting, I have to find a way to get out of this and I assure you I will. I won't let the anxiousness that is already invading my body win.

"Hello?" the first man said and I tensed at the proximity of the sound.

My breath hitched when the footsteps halted right next to the pile of boxes. I bit my lip and held my breath in, trying my hardest to not make the slightest sound. I silently moved my head to look through a tiny hole in one of the boxes and saw the tall man I had followed here looking around with a frown and a scowl on his face.

I was praying to myself that he didn't turn his head in my direction. Even though I was helped by the darkness that consumed this alley, I was afraid that my shadow could still be seen. But, apparently, luck didn't seem to be on my side tonight. He started to move his head towards me as I cornered further in. His eyes stopped right where I was hidden and he squinted them, as if he was trying to make something out.

I took a deep breath and prepared myself mentally. After doing a quick mental calculation, I pushed and kicked the boxes in the direction where I knew they would all fall upon both men. The two men fell on the floor with a grunt as the boxes crashed them, creating a loud thud that resonated through the alley. The pile wasn't heavy enough to knock them out, but the quantity of boxes it had would give me the seconds I needed for a little advantage on the run.

Without thinking twice, I rushed out of the alley and camouflaged myself amongst the crowd. Some of them were looking at me weirdly, but this wasn't the best moment to care about that. Looking back at the entrance of the alley, I saw both men walking out and looking around, probably for me, so I fastened my pace.

A wave of relief hit me when I spotted Audrey's car parked around the corner, right where she instructed me she would. Taking my last quick strides, I opened the door and got inside the passenger's seat.

"Drive." Was the first thing I said.

Without questioning any further, she nodded and started driving as I buckled up, panting heavily. My gaze fell on the men who were still looking around with angry and frustrated expressions, supposedly because they couldn't find the person spying on them. I let out a sigh of relief when we left them behind, now watching the tall, huge buildings as we drove through the busy streets.

"Are you ok?" she asked me worryingly.

"Yeah," I breathed out, feeling a sudden exhaustion after the adrenaline faded away.

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