58. Loyal Friend

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Third Person's POV

2 a.m.

The hospital hallways were quiet and empty expect for a few nurses and doctors working the night shift. Josh was inside his room, sleeping, but visits were not allowed yet. Thankfully, the doctors had said that he was put of danger for now, though he had to be kept monitored for the next 24 hours in case of any cardiorespiratory infection.

Everyone was in the waiting room, prominent dark circles already under their eyes and eyelids closing unconsciously just to be opened when they fully closed shut. The only ones who weren't able to fight tiredness were Mel and Audrey, who were in a deep slumber as they laid their heads on Maddie and Sadie's laps, respectively.

Hunter was pacing back and forth around the room while the rest of them were sitting on the chairs. He didn't care what time it was or maybe the fact that he should probably have a rest, especially now he knew everything will be just fine.

There was only one person who was sitting further than the others; Alec. He was seething, more than that. His hands were inching to kill the bastard that provoked the fire, the bastard who also happened to be the one they've been searching for all these past months, the reason why they're in New York. Angelo Vinati.

Now he understood Vinati and Smirnov's reasoning of the untouched shipment. With the fire, everything would be burnt, so they wouldn't need to steal it. Fortunately, Alec has already been informed that most of the important stuff is ok, but the losses caused by the fire perfectly caused them a couple million dollars.

He was still bothered though. The last of his worries was the state of the warehouse at the moment. His hospitalized friend was more important. His heart was already hurting at the thought that he could have lost him. Tears wanted to well up in his eyes at the memories of that morning, when he was arguing with Hunter and whining for not having a girlfriend, or the numerous times he called him Aly. As much as Alec complained about stuff like that, he really loved and cherished those things and memories.

Especially with Josh. The one who has always worried about them and was there to support them when they needed it. They were all now realizing how an important person he is to them and how lucky they are to have such a loyal and caring friend.

Josh has been a kind, considerate boy since birth, traits inherited from his mother. Everyone was surprised with the fact he actually wanted to be part of the mafia willingly. At first, they thought it was to carry on his father's legacy, who had served Massimo's mafia for years, but Josh assured everyone that it was because he wanted to. However, he never let any of the dark stuff he became involved with fully taint him. He still had that kindness in him, but he learnt to turn it off when it came to the mafia's enemies and his loved ones protection, a trait inherited from his father.

Now Josh was laying on a hospital bed because of his need to protect those he loves. And he knew, they all knew, that he didn't regret it one bit.

"You girls can leave. We've been here for hours and it's late, you should rest. Plus, Josh will be fine," David repeated for the hundredth time.

"I swear to you, David, if I have to repeat that we won't leave one more time, I'll search for a surgical knife around here and engrave the word 'no' on your forehead," Maddie groaned.

David immediately shut up, gulping down at her threat.

"Don't you want to go home, take a shower and sleep for a couple hours?" Sadie asked them as they were still covered in ashes.

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