64. Revelations

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Third Person's POV

Alec sat down on the barstool, looking intently at his cousin and Sadie, who were sitting at the other side of the isle as Sadie worked on her laptop and Nathan ate his yogurt.

"What does Bianca like to do? What are her hobbies?" Alec asked Sadie, for the third time that morning.

She looked up from the screen, just to look back down and keep typing. Someone has been trying to enforce themselves into their security system and, even though she managed to stop them, she wanted to make sure everything was safe, which it thankfully was. She had also informed David and he was too working on protecting the boy's systems in his room, just in case.

"Shouldn't you be asking her that?" Sadie replied casually while focused on her laptop.

"Is this because your little crush is playing hard to get so she knows you care?" Nathan teased in a baby voice, remembering the conversation he had with Alec when he arrived home the previous night.

"Shut the fuck up," Alec grumbled.

"Oh in that case I'm not going to help you," Sadie interjected while smirking at Alec. "If she wants you to show her you care, then you have to fight for it by yourself. It would be considered cheating if I helped."

Alec huffed and closed his eyes in frustration, making Sadie's smirk widen while Nathan bit his lip to contain his laughter.

An idea suddenly popped into Alec's mind, which filled him with internal relief now that he at least had some base to work with. Now, he only needed to carefully plan it all, not wanting to mess it up. He'd rather wait for a few days and, as the perfectionist he is, make sure everything is more than ready.

"Good morning," Audrey sang as she strolled into the kitchen, followed by Josh, and poured herself a juice while everyone greeted her back.

"Hey Aly, Nate, Say-Say," Josh greeted warmly.

Everyone greeted him back except one person, who was frozen in place. Sadie's body tensed at the nickname used for her, a nickname she thought she would never hear again. Audrey's eyes widened and concern consumed her, thinking about how Sadie would react. The latter, though, tried to smile and greeted Josh back, stopping Audrey from speaking up and forbidding Josh to call her 'Say-Say' while the boys shared worried glances, having noticed the strange behavior on the girl.

One by one, the rest soon piled into the kitchen to have breakfast and the topic was long forgotten, which Sadie was happy about. Right when everyone was finishing off, the peace of the morning was broken by the ringing sound of the intercom. Not before flashing everyone an intrigued expression, Bianca stood up and pressed the small button of the device once she reached the spot where it rested.

"Yes, Jeremiah?" she responded.

"Miss Blackwell, is Miss Williams there?" he asked with an agitated voice that worried everyone.

Because what they didn't know was that nothing escapes Angelo's eye. He had already found out who spied on the Russians and was ready to teach her a lesson and make her pay in a way she wouldn't have ever seen it coming, to show her what happens to people who mess with him and his business.

"I'm here, Jeremiah," she spoke up, closing her laptop and standing up from her seat in alert.

"Ms Williams," the doorman started nervously, "I just wanted to inform you that your brother's here. He's actually in the elevator as we speak. But miss, he didn't look quite happy."

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