14. Night Visitors

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Sadie's POV

I was tossing and turning around on my bed. I was awoken by the storm outside around twenty minutes ago and now I couldn't go back to sleep. I had already taken a sleeping pill before, so now I couldn't have another. Amazing, right?

I truly hate this kind of nights. The ones when I'm alone with my thoughts, overthinking about everything and anything. They make me remember all the hard times of my life. Even though I try not to, it's inevitable. My mind just replays them as if they were a movie.

There are people who may think it's so cool that I have photographic memory and that I'm so lucky. Well, I admit it's got some perks and it can actually be quite helpful sometimes. But unfortunately that's not always the case. It can also be a curse. Because there are memories I'd rather forget.

Then there's this whole Angelo and Nikolai situation we are in now. It's stressing the hell out of me. None of us know what they are capable of nor to what extent they are planning to go just to harm us. And I don't like it. I don't like that they are one step ahead of us.

Also, Bianca told me earlier today what had happened with Alec. He's hell-bent on trying to uncover our deepest secrets. And it scared me, because he surely had the means to do so. I could always delay the process with my hacking skills, but what if he succeeds? I'm just one person and he's got an entire mafia.

And to finish my train of thoughts, I have Mr Tease. I don't even know what to say about him. He's just so confusing. He teases me nonstop, trying to get on my nerves. He seems so carefree, but then there are times when he has his jaw clenched and fists in a ball. He looks mad, as if one wrong move and he'll explode. For no apparent reason.

But that's not the only confusing part of that matter. When he touches me, when he looks at me, when he acknowledges me in some kind of way like commenting something I do... It makes me feel... things. Good things. I don't know what it is exactly and that frustrates me. Like, I've never felt like that before. Why does Nathan make me do so? Ugh, all this thinking is giving me a headache.

I was looking up at the ceiling when my door started creaking open. Confused, I lifted my upper body from the bed, leaning on my elbow to support my weight. The room was a little dark, but I could make out the face of the person who busted into my room in the middle of the night. And who I saw shocked me.

"Nathan? What are you doing here at 3 am?" I whispered-yelled.

"Sorry for waking you up," he apologized in a hushed voice while looking at the floor.

"Don't worry, you didn't. But is everything ok?" I frowned.

But he didn't answer. He just looked at me with those now vulnerable, blue eyes and approached the bed, stumbling a little.

"Hey, are you o—. What the hell are you doing!?" I shrieked as he pulled over the covers and got inside the bed with me.

"Shh. Shut up and sleep, little genius," he shushed me while placing his head on my pillow. Now I could smell his breath and it reeked of alcohol. Guess it explains the stumbling.

"Nathan, are you drunk?" I asked him with irritation but he ignored me.

I let out a deep breath and reached my bedside table, turning on the lamp. Nathan, who was right next to me, groaned because of the sudden light and tried to hide his face in my pillow. I slightly squinted my eyes to get used to it too. Then, I got up and put my hand out for Nathan to take.

"Come on, big guy," I said catching his attention. He lifted his head, looked at my hand and then at my face with an 'are you serious' look before going back to his previous position.

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