t a m a r i n d

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I did mention how this was a short story, right?

Okay :) enjoy!!


If there is ever a time - and trust me, there's plenty - I was to ever feel like being completely swallowed by the ground for as good as a week, or to momentarily die for as long as cramps are present in my body, it by far would have to be when I'm on my period. The unnecessary cramping, the random headaches. The cravings. The mood swings!

To be fair I can be real moody even on a good day, but with hormonal changes during this period, I think it's just unnecessary. I also get that I am a complete fan of food, but listen, the craving is a bit too much, especially craving for things that do not make sense. Why am I craving pasta with chicken intestines? Where do I cross the line with cravings?

School ends this week (for me, I refuse to wait until next Friday) and the presentation is this Friday. Mentally, I'm telling myself that I can stay after school - which happens to be in a good few minutes - to rehearse for this presentation but my body is screaming other things. I'm not even a fan of being in my own home but at times like these, being home has to be the best thing for me.

To sleep, to not be awake and go through these cramps.

The moment our lecturer dismisses us for end of the day, I almost teleport to the restroom stalls, lock myself in one, pull down my pants and sit hunched over the toilet. I didn't bring my pain killers, purely because these cramps were simply not existing. I quickly change my pad and then clean up before deciding to remain on the toilet for a while. This position isn't the best but it's somewhat helpful. To an extent, at least.

For another couple of minutes, I remain seated, ignoring the buzzing of my phone in my bag. I can only presume who it is and it has to be because of Palesa and her needy self who I can confirm for research purposes is obsessed with me. I clean up again and adjust my pants (jeans, black), flush twice to leave no evidence and am out washing my hands by the sink.

My reflection is scary. I don't have makeup today, my wig is not adjusted properly so I fix it, and I look like I'm going through period pain.

Oh wait, I am.

I leave the restrooms and hover my way over to the garden with a blank look. My hand is gripping the strap of my bag and the other is tucked under my shirt over my stomach in hopes that my cold hand could help the pain a bit.

The whole group - actually, Palesa - watches me as I approach them. I don't even think I'm in the mood. Matter of fact I'm in the mood for a person to try me. Especially this girl named Palesa, who is piercing her eyes at me expectantly.

"Well?" She tilts her head with attitude and folds her arms over her chest. "You're late?"

"Really?" I almost throw my bag on the cement table and drop myself down next to Bobo. "I thought I was early. Oops, my bad."

"What happened to you trying? Your apology meant nothing, it's so obvious!" She hisses at me. Matter of fact she even bangs her hand on the cement table, challenging me with her eye contact.

"Palesa... give her a break." Faith speaks up so cutely, I'd actually smile at her if my vagina wasn't bleeding. "Diathaba, are you okay? You don't look like yourself."

"No, I'm not okay. Right now, instead of going home and overdosing on medication to help with these killer cramps I have, I'm stuck here to practise for this presentation with the last person I want to be with. And if she-" I hiss at Palesa; "-tries me today, I will gladly retaliate accordingly because I am this close-" I leave such a thin gap between my index and thumb, enough to fit a thin sheet of paper; "-to drop kicking her. I'm not in the moody today and it's best everyone takes that information wisely."

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