l o n g a n

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I'm knocking on the wooden door for the third time. Is nobody home? Maybe I should have messaged him that I arrived, but I wanted to surprise him! I'm early after all. Shouldn't he appreciate that?

I sigh, adjusting my skirt and leaning on my other leg. Is this boy not home? He stood me up?

Once again, I lift my hand to now bang in his door. "Hello? Theodo-"

The door opens, and there stands Theodore at his true height, eyebrows narrowed and his lips lowered. "I heard you the first ten times. Patience is a thing."

"Well, if you're expecting your girlfriend, you shouldn't be on the other side of your house knowing she could show up at any minute." I cross my arms over my hand and swing my body so my slings bag moves to my hip. I then eye him before grinning. "Do you like my-"

"Get in." He steps aside as his eyes roll. "The sooner we finish, the better."

I step in, pressing my lips as I follow him in his house. Very modern, very... rich. I'm sure his family has money. I am beyond taken by surprise when he steps into a room that isn't the so-called library he said we'd work in.

I hum when I set foot in the room, moving aside to allow him to leave his room. The room is a very... the white wall, grey bed sheets, a black carpet on the floor. The variety of posters and charts on his wall. A desk that upholds a variety of objects. It's quite untidy, but not in a way that would bother somebody. He even has a PlayStation and a TV at the end of the desk - the screen is blank. Maybe he was playing a game prior?

I glance over at him as he sighs lowly, placing two laptops on his table before heading to his wide window and closing the window partially. He's wearing grey sweats once again, but this time he has a white thin long sleeve. His hair isn't styled back, but rather free to hang in any direction. The sides are quite short, but the top can very much cover his eyes. Reminds me of... hmm, maybe Kpop sort of hairstyles. How long it reaches in the front, and the volume it carries.

How come he always styles his hair away from his face, and now he has it free and loose. He faces me - not his eyes, he's glancing around his room - and I squint my own eyes at his glasses. They are different, not the usual ones he wears to school. They still look like reading glasses, but these ones look like the type that cheesy, popular bad boys wear, because they know their sex appeal is incredible when they wear them.

Matter of fact, Theodore looks different. A whole different vibe. Still looks like Theodore, but him being in his comfort space - the pleasure I have in being in - gives him a different vibe.

With annoyance, he lifts his eyes to mine. "Why are you just standing there staring at me?"

"This is your room?" I walk towards his bed and place my bag on it. "This does not scream your name, Theodore Cooper. The energy is different, compared to the nerdy appearance you show at school. There's a huge clash here." I look over at him with an eyebrow up. "And you look different."

He doesn't respond immediately; matter of fact, the irritation he carried in his eyes defuses quickly. He lifts his hands to his glasses and adjusts them. "I don't know what you mean."

"You present yourself as a nerd at school. A loner who wants to simply focus on finishing school. But this room screams the opposite. You're a carefree person who isn't exactly as neat as he likes to seem."

"You're wasting your time reading me like I'm some book." I can see his eyes narrow through his lenses. "Can we just get started. You'll work here," he taps the top of his desk. "I'll work on my bed."

I glance over at his bed. It's big enough for the both of us to work on. "No, it's fine. I'd much rather I work on your bed for the sake of comfort. I work well comfortably."

Theodore Where stories live. Discover now