a p r i c o t s

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I'm telling you right now, this was not meant to be a long chapter. It's really long omgosh!

Okay enjoy??


"Maybe sex, we'll watch pornography moving in delight-"

"What?" My head whips to him with eyebrows attempting to touch the lace front of my wig. No I didn't choke on this cool drink, but I for sure have my heart thumping quite hard in my chest. Because what the f- "What did you say?"

The boy with the green eyes lifts his head towards me, a blank expression that once was present on his face slowly shapeshifts into a more confused look. "I... I said, maybe next we could watch the autobiography movie and highlights of..." He pauses as I bat my eyelashes at him. In return, he squints his eyes. "Have you even been listening to a word I said?"

I know for sure my cheeks are stinging with slight embarrassment. I wave my hand dismissively at him before looking out the window. "Of course I have. I just thought I heard something else."

"I'm curious to know what you thought I said because actually, you've been zoning out on me for the last two hours since you stepped in my car. You haven't even eaten much- don't spill your drink again, be careful..." I hold the can properly after trying to adjust my long sleeves down my wrists. "-and you're not as annoying or talkative as you always are. You're just... being weird."

From the corner of my eye, I see him look down to pick up a fry and place it between his lips. Either than that, I look at the busy street before us. Theodore brought me here to Burger King (he said he got some money from his mother and so he thought of spending his money - on me - and something about him being a good Christian) before he thought it would be a good idea to go to an art gallery. Of all things, an art gallery.

Now, I'm not opposing, I just think I'm not the most creative to stare at and analyse a painting or a medium piece. My interpretation skills are as good as a score of 0.5. That's out of 100. But since Theodore decided, because yes he skipped school to hang out, I didn't complain. I agreed. That's all I did today, agree to everything he has been saying, everything he's been asking, even when I wanted to say no.

Was I okay. That's what he asked me the moment I stepped in his car. Was I okay. I laughed, I did, and I said yes. Not because I was, but because I told myself I would be, and the only way I would be okay is if I was already pretending I was okay. And I am. I'm okay.

"See, there you go zoning out again. Gosh, I know I'm a nerd and boring and you've already rubbed that in my face, but don't force it down my pores too. I got it, thanks."

That actually makes me chuckle. I look at him with lips formed into a smile, a convincing one, and roll my eyes. "I don't even think I've ever called you boring, and if I did, it was probably because in that moment you were boring me as in frustrating me. I don't think you're boring as in boring boring. No."

"Okay. That makes me feel a fraction better." He shifts a bit in his driver's seat, chewing on another fry and then flicking his head to the side to move the strand daring to block his line of vision. "So then, what's the problem?"

I simply shake my head in response. I don't want to talk about it.

"Oh wait, let me guess. You wish things were different?" Now, I stare at him. I don't know, it feels like my lungs just hit the pit of my stomach. Theodore shrugs, blinking his green eyes away from me. "It's the only thing that makes sense, and honestly I should have asked you in the beginning but would you have been honest with me? Are you always being honest with me?"

Theodore Where stories live. Discover now