m a n d a r i n

658 69 17

No because I would reread this so many times and make sure I have no spelling errors, the rock up one day and  reread and suddenly the entire chapter is filled with errors. Weird...



He hands me the plate of eggs as his mouth widely moves to crush down the bits before basically gulping it down his throat. I make a look of disapproval but say nothing as I take the plate. I guess I should be grateful he made me food, even though he tends to burn them.

I poke the piece of egg and put it in my mouth, slowly gliding the fork against my bottom row of teeth. I then chew slowly, eyes lifting up to the dark in complexion man who watches me with caution. His rowdy eyebrow raises in question.

I nod slowly before placing the fork back on the plate. I crew the content and swallow slowly. Then I push the plate towards him with a fake smile.

"Better luck next time, I guess."

"Urgh, are you serious?" My dear Moris groans as he takes the plate to examine his disaster of eggs. "What's wrong with them this time around?"

My arms fold under my small apple breasts. "Too salty and slightly undercooked. You know I like my food well done, papa."

"You should appreciate the fact that I made you food, so you wouldn't go to school on an empty stomach. Don't they teach you at school to eat before any heavy activity?"

"They told me to eat healthy. I wouldn't say that's healthy..."

We both share a few seconds of laughter; something that honestly soothes my heart dearly. He's so cute. The dimple in his face, the height of his, even just his even complexion. I'm a canvas filled with different shades of brown compared to him.

We don't look alike, but at the same time we look so alike.

"Anyway, don't you have school?" He pushes the plate of toast towards me.

"I'm already going to be late, if that's your concern."

"You know your mother is going to talk too much." He sighs and I lift my eyes to his lowered ones. He looks tired of her nonsense too, but he's too soft. He hardly says anything, him and his mini Afro happening. "Should I drop you off?"

"Yah sure, papa." I pick up the toast and take a bite.

"Okay. Let me go get dressed and then we can go." He leaves me in the kitchen, surrounded by both the smell of toast, eggs and the sound of the humming fridge not too far from me.

I take another bite of my toast, slowly chewing in as thousands of thoughts float in my mind. None that slow down for me to think of clearly, but still quite fast to process at a time. My leg subconsciously starts shaking and my jaw moves as I chew.

Not even a good minute later, I hear an argument break out from my parents' room. Nothing different, much like any other day. It starts off soft, and then my mother unnecessarily raises her voice as the argument continues. As to what they on about this time, only heaven knows. I finish my food and get up, leaving the plate where it is and heading to my room.

I avoid looking into their room as I approach mine; I quickly grab my small bag and make sure my things are in before grabbing a small hoodie. It matches the brown attire of mine, and since my hair is nice and high today, I have my gold earrings to match. I exit my room and close my door, locking it right after and tuck the keys inside the mini pocket of my bag.

"Locking doors in my house? Wa' mbora, wena." [you irritate me, you] My mother seethes out as she slithers out her room and glares at me. Hair wrapped in her silk cloth, gown half hanging off her shoulder and her feet covered in purple fluffy socks.

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