h o n e y m e l o n

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I do not necessarily pay attention to time, but two full weeks have gone past. My relationship with my mother has not magically progressed - let's just say I'm one wrong word away from being kicked out, not that it seems like a bad idea at all. School's fine; we have a few meetings the past two weeks and yes, I actually am working quite well with my group, which is a surprise because I started off only wanting to be in this group to be close with Theodore.

Work is fine. Matter of fact blah blah to the rest, because all that doesn't matter like this moment does.

This moment when I look into his eyes with almost pure shock, I'm close to falling off my seat. He stares back with wide eyes, excitement almost close to bursting his orbs right out his sockets, and he bites his bottom lip and rubs his hands, nodding after I asked him the question that I believe any sane person would ask when presented with something... anything of this nature.

Anything that could possibly be an "amen" moment. And I'm not sure I'm ready to die just yet.

The question?- "Are you crazy? I don't have life insurance!"

"You don't need it," he rolls his eyes playfully and tossed his hair around with no care. "Trust me. You'll be fine. You said you're willing to do anything. If I remember correctly, you even said you were looking forward to it-"

"Because you made it seem exciting, normal. Thrilling. Not life threatening-"

I squeal (maybe a bit too much because I like how he likes how nervous I look) when I hear another one of those death traps roars to life. I even turn to where it's from - a group of what I can assume are young adults around my age hang around the vehicle like it's another regular day.

Listen, I agreed, about half a week ago, when he asked me if I could hang with him. I was hands down, my panties were near dropping at the idea. And that's the thing; I thought it involved something to do with panties dropping and skirts lifting. I'm not a home wrecker again, but I thought I would just do this.

Then he mentioned me accompanying him to work, matter of fact he said I'd join him for free. I was like cool, because not many jobs allow you to tag your friends (or love interests) along with you, so I thought this had to be fun.

I did not think he meant this! Him riding motorbikes is his job. Not only that; he gambles and rides for money. Excuse me? That's how he can afford a black frikken card?

Shut the heck up. I'm going to pee my pants and I mean it, really.

"Hey, Dia," he places his hand on my shoulder and I look at him with fearful (again, I'm making it more than it is for the sake of making him grow interest in me - I know there are men out there who love fearful and submissive girl; I'm not that, but I can be for him) eyes piercing into his soul. "It's going to be okay. You'll literally have the best time, you'll be calling me to come back."

"I'm being for real, Francois, I don't have life insurance or even medical aid. If I break even a finger, that's the end of me."

He laugh, shaking his head as he places his hands on my knees - okay, so we're seated on a bench, and I have one leg on either side and he basically is seated like me, so we're facing each other - and rubs his thumbs against my skin (because I thought I'd have my panties dropping and skirt lifted, I wore a frikken skirt!) which creates a few goosebumps to reveal.

"Look. It's safe. Sure, accidents happen and yes a few people break a few things, but I've trained in riding for a long time, I almost never get accidents."

"Almost? So there's a chance today of all days, you could have an accident."

He bites his bottom lip and nods slowly, chuckling perhaps at my thought process. "Yes. Yeah. But don't think of that, okay? Trust me. I'd never call you here if I knew I'd risk you getting hurt. You're too..." his God given beautiful eyes scale my body as if to make sure himself, "-you're too pretty to be ruined. Especially because of me."

Theodore Where stories live. Discover now