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As concerning as it sounds, I changed in the Uber ride to Theodore's house. Papa left with the car so he told me in advance he wouldn't be able to take me out (I didn't tell him where I was going), and I for sure was never going to ask my mother to take me. So I took the next best.

An Uber. And it was a female driver, so she was more than okay with me dressing in the car; she even waited a road away from Theo's house in agreement for a few rands extra. She was really polite and helped me tighten the knot behind my back. Women support women, or at least I'd like to believe.

Why I never dressed at home? Isn't it obvious; because of my mother and the idea of having to deal with her inquisitive self. I did my makeup, though, and though she eyed my face and the bag I carried with me out the house, she didn't question me since she's used to me like this.

After waving the lady off, I'm wobbling my way to the front door of the Cooper residence with my heels making obnoxiously loud clicks at every step. Only a fraction of me is nervous because I'll be meeting his parents for the first time and I'm worried this black curly wig of mine won't make a first impression. However, parents love me. I'm such a lovable person, I see no reason why they would not like me at the first glance.

My fist knocks on the wooden door three times before I drop my bag and huff, bending a bit to stretch the uncomfortable knot on my lower back. I don't know why it's aching, but a couple of pops and sighs later, I stand up straight just in time to the door opening and revealing a rather... dashing young man by the name of Theodore's father.

"Erm, hello?" He greets me, eyes scanning my body in surprise that not only am I a stranger, but I'm quite attractive myself.

"Hey- I mean, hi. Diathaba, nice to meet you." I stick my hand out for him to shake, which he gladly does. "I'm Theodore's plus one, I'm sure he's mentioned me."

"Ah, yes yes. I'm Daniel, his father, nice to meet you. Come in, he is expecting you actually." The man shifts aside and lets me come in. I quickly grab my bag and walk in, turning to see him close the door and walk towards the kitchen. "Please, follow me. He should be down in a few. Theodore! Your friend is here!"

My eyes lower down from the neat trim of brown hair on his head to his rather lean shaped body, moving down to his jelly butt protected yet defined in the protection of his pants suit. Dang, I feel like squishing them.

Friend? Theodore said I'm his friend?

"My wife will be joining us shortly, she isn't here right now. However, yourself and Theodore can leave as soon as you can, we should catch up with you both shortly after." Daniel informs me as he packs away items as though he was making a drink of some sort before I came. "And also, you look lovely. I think your dress colour matches the colour of Theodore's tie."

Firstly, I decide to speak on his compliment because wow, he thinks I'm hot? "Thank you, you look good too, Daniel." He glances at me at the boldness of using his name. Ideally I should have a title, but no. We need to get comfortable with each other and quick. "Theodore is wearing a green tie?"

"Happens to favour green."

My eyes watch this attractive man before me. His height is almost the same with Theodore's, maybe a foot taller. His body is nice, like he exercises. I know his wife must really enjoy him - sucks to be me. His face is nice, he seems to have had a clean shave too. His eyes are nothing like his son's, so I can assume Theodore has the same eyes as his mum. However, Theodore has the same facial features as his father, which all the more makes me feel like maybe I'm obsessing over the wrong Cooper.

But he's married. How annoying.

"Oh, Theodore said we're friends?" I decide to look around the kitchen and take note of the expensive looking granite kitchen and white decor. Neat and wealthy, just like I had suspected. Rich people and their desire for quality stuff. My mum would love this, her and her cheap self.

Theodore Where stories live. Discover now