e l d e r b e r r i e s 2

566 60 32

I know the spelling errors are scary </3


"Am I fetching you today?"

"Of course, papa." I throw him a side glance. "I'll call you when to fetch me, okay? Now let me go, I'm late!"

"Okay, okay." He chuckles as he pulls me in for a hug. A little too aggressively, but nonetheless I giggle in his chest as I hug him back. Smells good, smells like some sort of comforter. I don't even know. "Bye-bye, then."

"Bye papa." I pull away and smile up at him, then take my leave as I jog to the school gate. I throw him a glance over my shoulder, chuckling when he stands there with one of the biggest smiles and arms folded.

I wave at him, tag myself in and then round the corner, no longer able to see him.

I am so late, I don't even understand how I woke up late to begin with. I slept late but I thought I would wake up on time! What was I doing watching Kpop all night, sticking my nose up in thirst traps. The jeans I am wearing feel slightly loose without the help of a belt, but my hoodie does the most on me, hiding my apple sized boobs under this push-up bra. The push-up bra is not pushing anything up, and that's annoying.

The lecture hall I am to report to has doors at the back, so the moment I walk in, I stop to see the lecturer facing the board as she writes down whatever it is. Everyone (most people actually) are taking down notes and paying attention, with a few here and there chit-chatting. My eyes scan the room for a certain somebody I happened to have had a really good weekend with, but I cannot spot him. Not with his attire, not with his styled hair, not even with my gut feeling.

I step out the class and turn left, ready to head to the library when I'm immediately pulled back by the hood of my hoodie. I squeal and turn around quickly, ready to tell whoever off when I stop, frown immediately forming a grin. I can't even explain why my heart thumps in my chest the way it is.

He looks at me unimpressed, lips pressed together as his fake brown orbs blink at me behind the spectacles sitting down the bridge of his nose. One thing I immediately notice, is that we are wearing matching colour hoodies.

I outstretch my hand at him. "Hug?"

He shakes his head and then nudges towards the door.

"I was going in but then I decided I don't want to go to cla- wait!" I whine when he grabs my wrist and pulls me in the lecture room.

I see the lecturer is still writing on the board, this time speaking loudly with her back towards the class. Theodore pulls me to the other side of the room, pulls out a chair for the both of us and then settles in his. He puts his bag on the table and pulls out a workbook and his phone.

"The least you could have done is greet me," I mutter, sitting with arms crossed and a sour expression towards him.

"How was your weekend?" He spares me a glance lasting a good half a second before he pulls out a small blue pencil case, fishing for a pen and clicking it.

"It was fine, I guess." An eyebrow raises at my response but he doesn't look at me again, he only lifts his eyes to the board and then writes what he sees. "It was actually nice. Yesterday I took the day off to rest, as I should, but I woke up late today. How was your weekend?"

Theodore only shrugs. "Fine."

"Just fine? I was with you on Saturday. We had fun, what do you mean fine? It was amazing, say that."

I see the corner of his lip raise up just a bit for me to know that he's thinking about it too. The Saturday we spent together, eating and bowling. Talking. I bet he fell for me, who wouldn't? I'm irresistible.

Theodore Where stories live. Discover now