Please Read!

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This was a long journey we shared.

I said this many times that I truly had no intentions of writing. It was only a small thought i didn't think through.

I never expected to see these numbers. But I'm still quite happy to see them.

I'm really glad that I chose to start writing and all it's probably one of the best decisions I made so far.

I met amazing people here and I'm forever thankful for them.

Anyhow this fic was filled mostly with uhm weird not so weird chapters.

And comments I truly loved reading.

I'm quite sad to say that;

Vile Affection is nearing it's ending.

It really gave me tons of memories i loved. But every good thing has it's own ending.

I'm planning to rewrite the whole thing during summer vacation so please beware of that!

I hope you will like the rest of the chapters my loves!

Vile Affection | ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now