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The Eve of Revolution Pt.2


Hanging onto as much peace as possible...


The air was thick with tension. Furrowed brows, drawn spikes of iron gleaming in the sun, and the heavy breaths of men who swung their blades in anger.

"You're being reckless, Tommy. You're sloppy," Techno critiqued.

"Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy! All you've done is call me sloppy! How do I fix that? Can you at least tell me that?" The young boy screamed in between breaths.

The pinkette sighed. "I told you I was gonna get to that stuff once Tubbo gets back. He would be missing out on some valuable information."

"Whatever," Tommy grumbled then plopped onto the grass to catch his breath.

"You aren't gonna get better if you keep acting like this," Techno stated.

"And who are you to tell me that? You're just trying to act all noble after the shit you just pulled," Tommy yelled while getting up. "Just because Y/n forgave you, that doesn't mean she'll stay with you. She'll pick us. She has always picked us!"

Techno was taken aback for a moment. "And how are you so sure about that? How do you know what she wants?"

"Because she's told me everything!" Tommy screamed. "Well... maybe not everything. But more than enough that it's more than you'll ever learn about her."

Techno looked disappointingly at the blonde laying on the earth. He glanced at the sun and watched it tilt closer west.

"You know, I used to think you were cool. And I was so happy when I learned you and Y/n were hitting it off. But now..." he let out a long sigh, "I don't trust you around her. She means a lot more to me than you think. If you do end up betraying us again, don't you dare lay a finger on her, you lousy pig."

Suddenly the tension in the air grew thicker, a netherite blade couldn't pierce it. All Techno could do was watch as Tommy turned his back and the voices boomed in his head for violence. But Tommy wasn't so wrong about him. He was trying to act nobly. His intentions might not be in the right place, but in his heart, it was for her. He knows she forgave him for what he's done. But he still hadn't forgiven himself for it at all. Techno hurt her because his pride was stronger than his wit, letting his voices lunge at the opportunity. So, he left Tommy alone and decided to get things rolling when Tubbo returned. But the young boy still had something to say.

"Why are you even trying so hard anyway?" He asked, staring at the moving clouds in the sky leaving space for an empty sky.

Techno shifted uncomfortably. "I, um,..." he hesitated. "Y/n helps me feel calm. There's a peace I've never known around her. So, I guess I owe her."

Tommy let out a chuckle. "You're such a simp. I thought you were the stone-cold loner? Who knew you could go soft."

"Pfft- I'm not soft," Techno said. The blonde boy gave him a knowing look. "Okay, maybe I'm a little tender but I won't go, like, throwing myself down on my knees for her."

"Ha! I doubt it. The moment she shows up, you'll be all over her! You literally stand up straight like you're in the military when she shows up during work."

"No I do not," he denied.

"Hey, guys!" Tubbo greeted. "I brought Y/n!"

Techno immediately stood up straight, sheathed his sword, and properly faced the woman. His arms were pinned on his sides and his heels were touching one another.

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