Chapter - 16

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"Are you sure?", I demand

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"Are you sure?", I demand.

"Damn sure.", confirms Kylie.

"Who did it and why?"

"No one knows who did but the principal is pissed and he is not gonna be lenient this time and that's for sure.", spouts Sierra, giving us one more thing to worry about.

"God! That is why my head is pounding. I am hungover. Ughh...", I release an annoyed sigh.

"While we are it, wanna talk about what happened yesterday?", Sierra asks carefully.

I keep my mouth shut not knowing where to start. "Oh, for God's sake, spill, Ahana.", Kylie releases an agitated breath at my silence.

So, then I apprise them of everything. Tell them how Gabriel denied the kiss even though he remembered it and how Cameron became my knight in shining armor and saved me from all the mortification.

"Damn!", is all they both are able to utter until it all sinks into their brains.

"I'm gonna fucking kill Gabriel. How dare he lie and was still ready to kiss you the next time?", Kylie's face reddens with rage and so is the scene with Sierra.

"Come on.", Sierra says pulling at my hand.

Confused, I ask as my brows furrow, "What? Where are you taking me?"

"To Gabriel's to show who is the boss.", informs Kylie.

"NO!", I immediately pull my hand back. "I'm not going anywhere near that thick skull."

"Ahana, you don't need to be scared.", assures Sierra.

"Like hell I'm scared of that piece of shit. He's just not worth my time. I am not gonna spare him even a single glance. I'm not gonna let him have the satisfaction of seeing me hurt. I'm not gonna waste my fucking energy on him.", I declare with conviction in my voice and they both comply.

We spend the rest of the day chilling with popcorns and Netflix, avoiding all the conversations even slightly related to the boys. And around Eight at night Sierra and Kylie leave to go back home.

And as much as I hate to admit it, my thoughts were still reeling around everything that happened yesterday and how easily Gabriel purposely denied and lied to me about the kiss. And to add cherry on the top, he tried to kiss me again, twice, the audacity.

I also thought about how considerate Cameron acted even though he didn't know me at all, even now he doesn't, except from the detail of my existence after yesterday, he didn't have to help me, yet he still did. And I owe him for that.

Deciding on telling Cameron, how much I appreciated his efforts, I drift off to sleep. Waiting for the dreadful Monday morning to come.


I find myself strolling in the school corridor the next day. Reaching my locker and taking everything, I need, I shut the locker door. As I make my way to my class – not really looking up to avoid any attention – I collide into something, more like someone.

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