Chapter - 2

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"Cheers to the Stokes!", the elders raised their glasses in for a toast while the kids were busy playing hide & seek and teens, three to be precise, were having their own private gossip session

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"Cheers to the Stokes!", the elders raised their glasses in for a toast while the kids were busy playing hide & seek and teens, three to be precise, were having their own private gossip session. There were four guests who were around my age, three girls and Connor.

Those three were so immersed in talking among themselves that I didn't really feel like going and joining the conversation. I felt kinda being an intruder in their privacy, still knowing that this party is actually hosted by me.

One among them, had shiny blonde hair, Samantha Fischer was her name as I was told, while the other two were brunettes, Lia Matthews and Kara Jordan. The aura around them screamed, we don't like you so don't care to bother us.

Ava, was busy looking after the kids so, I was left alone with my thoughts until Connor came.

"Hey, there.", he said as he came to me with a glass of cola in his hand.

"Hi!", I shook away my thoughts.

"Nice arrangements."

"Thank you."

"So, do you like it here in Arlington?"

"Yeah, I can't really say much, haven't had the time to go around. Besides I still miss my friends in Virginia.", I told him honestly.

"Oh, I see. Well, if you want, I could show you around.", he offered.

Before I could form words to respond, mom said in urgency, "Sorry to trouble you, honey. But your dad has forgotten to pick up the order we placed for cupcakes from a nearby shop. Could you please get them?"

"Yeah, mom, of course. But I don't know the way around here."

"I could take you, I'm aware of the bakery.", Connor quickly suggested.

"Oh, that would be great, Connor. Thank you so much."

We were strolling down the streets. "Guess, it was supposed to be me to show you around.", Connor breaks the ice.

"Yeah, cool coincidence.", I agreed letting out a chuckle.

"So, let's play something."

"Like, right now?"

"Yeah, like right now!"

"What do you have in mind?", I got curious.

"We'll ask each other some questions, which will help us get to know each other."

"Sounds good to me."

"Great! I'll go first., are you a morning person or night owl?"

"Night owl. My turn. Dogs or cats?


"Oh, well I love dogs."

"I see. Next. Tea or coffee?", he continued.

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