Chapter - 45

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Standing in front of this piece of shit, tied to the chair, my anger after listening to what he did increased ten-fold

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Standing in front of this piece of shit, tied to the chair, my anger after listening to what he did increased ten-fold.

My hands clench in to fists and blood rushes in my veins. "So, that's why I called you here?", my father finishes. And even though we don't agree on anything, abuse on the weak, especially women and children, is something we both abhor.

With measured steps, I move forward as the corner of my lips curl up at his pitiful state. "Thanks for calling me to finish it off.", I express as I slowly move in a circle around him. With fear running in his body, he struggles, which obviously is in vain.

"Do you think what you did makes you strong?", I ask him as I pick up a dagger from the table where all of the torture devices are kept, and examine it with its tip pressing into my index finger as I twist it with my other hand.

He speaks something but his voice is muffled by the gag in his mouth. "Hmm? Do you think it makes you cool?" I ask as he continues his muffled screams.

"Do you think preying on weak women makes you a fucking man?", I yell, looking him in his swollen eyes. He was roughened up before I even got here.

I walk up to him and slide the blade over his right hand. "Your actions prove that yes, you must think that." His scream of agony when I slice open his skin is music to my ears. And the blood that pours out is a painting on the floor's canvas.

I move the blade to his other hand. "Guess what? You are wrong." And start slicing it open. "What doesn't make you strong, makes you weak."

I love seeing the tears rolling down his dirty face as he pleads for his pathetic life. "Tsk tsk. Does it hurt, huh? But weren't you strong? Guess you are just a coward then.", I patronize him.

I rip open his shirt to bare his chest, but not before delivering hard punches to his face. He thrashes with all his might as I move the blade there. "Don't worry, it's less painful than what you did to her."

And I carve his chest with the word suitable for the kind of person he is. Every letter is carved patiently, and I feel sweat dripping down my face. But his agony is like an adrenalin boost for me, making me feel like a fucking maniac.

Minutes later when I am done, I step back and tilt my head to the side to examine the masterpiece I just created. The beauty of it makes me smile. "Well now, you can die peacefully, knowing that the world knew your truth." At my words I see the terror settle in his eyes as he realises what I meant.

And at that exact moment, I slice open his neck with the same knife in one swift swipe. The blood coats the walls, floor and my clothes. But I get a feeling of satisfaction as I see him choke on his own blood and the life draining from his eyes. Though I agree the satisfaction is not what I get when I am in Ahana's arms as her lips are on mine. But it'll do.

For now.

I turn around and keep the dagger back on the table and forward a hand to one of the guards. He takes off his suit jacket and passes it to me. With a nod, I walk out the door.

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