Chapter - 24

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That's the word. That's how beautifully Gabriel sang.

The band just finished their performance and now it was Gabriel's solo the people were listening to.

I have never heard him sing until now. His rich voice was touching parts of my soul I didn't know existed before. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It felt surreal. I realised what I had been missing all this time.

How have I not heard him sing before!?

The song he chose to sing was bilingual. And I am pretty sure the other language was Korean as one was English.

Before singing he announced, "I'll be singing Euphoria by Jungkook of BTS."

Though I haven't heard this song before but I could tell by the way he was singing that the song revolved around the concept of love. And that made me think for whom did he sing it for.

All the while he was singing, my eyes didn't leave him for even a second. Neither did he look elsewhere but at me. And I'm pretty sure it was to keep an eye on me as he has ordered me to remain seated where he left me.

But when he sang the lyrics, 'You're the cause of my euphoria', looking directly into my eyes, it made my heart palpitate for some obscure reason.

And I had no idea why the words in Korean language in his voice sounded exotic, but they did. I cannot stress enough on the effect he had on the audience and the judges. Everyone was lost in his singing.

Soon his song ended and I suddenly felt the need to keep listening to him sing. I am guessing the audience felt the same because they went so wild with the applause and appreciation that they were practically jumping out of their seats. All I could hear was everyone chanting Once more.

With one last glance at me he left the stage. That reminded me of our impending conversation and for the first time the thought of talking to him scared me. Because somewhere deep inside me I knew that I am at fault and he'll be right in scolding me.

That utopia which was created by Gabriel's singing soon dissolved when all the events came crashing back into my mind.

My train of thoughts was interrupted as the judges came to announce the results.

And though the anticipation killed everybody, soon the results satisfied everybody.

And our school was elated as this year we were the ones who won THE WINNERS trophy. Also, because the band was awarded with a tie with some other participating school and in the solo category Gabriel won the first prize for singing a bilingual song so beautifully.

Once the auditorium emptied out, the girls and the guys found me. And we congratulated everyone and each other.

"Let's go celebrate.", Liam suggests to which everyone agrees except for me and Gabriel.

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