Chapter Thirty

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Dedicated to @KITTENPOWER18 for being an awesome fan!

Chapter Thirty

The fact that this house was a maze hadn't slipped my mind. The endless doors leading off from corridors were driving me crazy and I couldn't count on my wolf to help. When we were last here to see Carmen, the only scent she could pick up on was the metallic smell of dried blood and that wasn't going to be any use to me now.

I tried to remember the route Jude had taken me on, but with his Godzilla sized strides, I found myself jogging to keep up with him most of the time and concentrating more on not falling on my butt then where we were going.

Walking round yet another corner, a small, but very strong wall bumped into me. The only difference between this wall and any other was the fact it had two eyes, a nose, a mouth and wore a very surprised expression. "Oh my goodness, I didn't see you, I'm so sorry."

I smiled as I took in the small girl in front of me. Despite the look of innocence, she must have been around my age, maybe a year younger. Her long blond hair fell in soft curls around her heart shaped face. "It's okay." I reassured her, crouching to pick up the fallen glass. Thanks to the floor being carpeted, it hadn't broken.

"Let me get that." She said and took the tray out of my hand. "I'm so stupid, I should have been watching where I was going." Her already rosy cheeks reddened even more.

Putting the empty glass back on to the tray, I wiped my hands, "It's no big deal, it's just some juice." The girl seemed a little flustered. "I'm Rainie." I offered her a friendly smile which she returned.

Her cheeks flamed a little more, "Sophia."  The two sparkling, hazel eyes were warm and kind. Though there was something I noticed about her. Something that caused my heart to hurt.

"Do you think you could show me where Carmen Taylor's room is?" My eyes fell on the tray in my hands. "Nellie made this for her."

Being hesitant in answering me didn't go unnoticed. "How do you know her?"

"I'm friends with Jude." Then after a moments thought I added, "And Mason."  I had no idea whether Sophia hated them as much as the rest of the pack, but I knew telling her I was Mason's friend gave me a better chance of finding out where Carmen was.

Her eyes flickered behind me and then over her shoulder. "Nellie said you could see her?" She asked, uncertainty dripping from her voice.

"Yeah," I held the tray out in front of me, "Breakfast is served." My lips lifted into a full smile. Nellie didn't really have a choice and I'm sure if she had time to think she would have turned down my offer.

After one more look around, she motioned her hand for me to follow her. Seeing how reluctant Sophia had been, I was starting to realise just how much the pack disagreed with Jude and Carmen being here. I had no idea why, but hopefully I would be finding out.

Sophia led the way, walking down corridors, turning corners and opening doors that led to even more corridors. It was no surprise why I couldn't remember where her room was, they were hidden in the deepest part of the house. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if we entered a dungeon with chains on the door.

My eyes wandered over the girl in front of me and I couldn't help but notice the air of sadness around her. She was a very beautiful girl and on first look she fit with the Harbour Pack perfectly, but it was that something I had picked up on that made her different. She didn't walk with her head held high like the Harbour femme wolves normally did, nor did she have the aura of self-assurance. She seemed timid and self-conscious and I was almost sure I knew why.

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