Chapter Three

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Arranged marriage........... to a Secret Agent?!?!?!?!

My head spun, my wrists burned and someone was touching me! I tried to shake away my grogginess. I blinked a few times, everything was dark, and I was... sitting?

What happened? I pulled away, metal scrapped at my wrists. "She's awake." Someone called.

"Hand me the phone." Someone else shouted. I remember that voice. I tried to see through the darkness, was I blind? I panicked and struggled more. "Calm down sweetie." Someone said rubbing my shoulders. I stopped moving and the darkness was gone. Bright blinding light burned my eyes and a black bag was dropped to my feet. Beside me a man in a fine suit was dialing a phone, taking his time about it too.

My tongue tasted like copper and something was in my mouth. A gag? I was sitting in a little metal chair, my hands behind my back surrounded by a bunch of people I didn't know. "Hello Mark! Or do you go by Jason now?" the man beside me said happily. "I didn't think you'd get settled down so young." He paused, an angry buzz came from the phone. "Sure you can talk to her, she just woke up." He said. He waved his hand in the air and pointed to me.

A bunch of men appeared and took the gag away. I tried to spit out the fowl taste, but it seemed to a part of my mouth. "Say hello to your Hubby." The man said putting the phone to my ear.

"Jason...?" I croaked out.

"Damn it! Are you okay?" he asked. Lamely I nodded my head.

"I think so, everything hurts." My voice was so hoarse it sounded like an old car engine. Pitifully I tried to swallow what little saliva I had to try and ease my throat. "What's going on?" I asked. The man took the phone away before Jason could answer.

"You see now you bring me what I want and I wont kill her." Another angry buzz. "You don't want this to happen again you should stop chasing little girls around Mark, or Jason, what ever you prefer." Another buzz. Jason sounded really pissed, sometimes I could almost make out the words. "No," the man cocked a gun and pointed it at my head. "I have no problem killing her now."

"Jason! You better not let him kill me!" I shouted. He chuckled and put the gun down.

"Tonight, the usual spot, bring me what I want and the girl will have minimal injuries... Unless you want her back in pieces."

He chuckled and snapped the phone shut during another section of buzzing. "Well little girl," he said turning to me. "Do you want to go home?" he asked picking up the gun again. I nodded watching it. He smirked and brought the butt of the gun up and sung it down, cold metal hitting my head. A warm trickle of blood dripped on to my lip. I felt the darkness come back and swallow me up.

Jason's POV

"God DAMN IT!!" I shouted chucking the phone across the room. It's not like I would ever use it again, I'll just get a new one from storage.

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