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Seoul Sunshine Homes

"What are you guys doing here?" Felix chuckled, a confused, sarcastic look plastered on his face as he eyed the couple in front of his doorway.

"Lix," Seungmin spoke first, glancing at the boy to his side before continuing. "Can we speak to you before you leave? We've been wanting to tell you something for a while now. And it's already Saturday, so we can't wait any longer."

"But you know my schedule for Saturdays at this time," Felix whined, pouting playfully. "Why didn't you come by earlier today?"

"We were kinda caught up," Hyunjin lied, looking at Seungmin for affirmation. "But we really need to tell you this before you go."

Felix sighed and shook his head before letting the two in, setting his phone and keys back on the table then reluctantly making his way to the single sofa. "What is it?" He questioned, eyeing the two in confusion as they seemed oddly uncomfortable. "What? Did somebody die or something?"

"Felix, tell us, what is your relationship with that guy? Like over the past two months or so, how do you feel towards him?" Seungmin started slowly, leaning his elbows against his knees as he narrowed his eyes at the older. "What is the level of intimacy like?"

"Well, you both know I like him. Why are you guys acting so weird?" Felix scoffed to hide the slight tremble in his voice, his friends' bothered composure starting to get to him.

"Lix, how do I say this," Seungmin sighed, looking down. "I know you know he's a sex addict. And I know you warned us to stay away. But-"

"Not fucking this again," Felix pressed both hands against his temples, elbows prepped on his knees as he looked up at the two others. "You have to be fucking kidding me. You kept me back to bring this shit up again? I know he's a sex addict, and I also know that he's getting the help that those freaking therapists couldn't give him. They used him- I won't. I'm help- Hyunjin tell me you're not scrolling your phone while I'm speaking right now." Felix shook his head, hurt both from his friends failure to comply with his wishes and the fact that one of them was seemingly ignoring his rants. "You know what? I love you guys, but I think you should go."

"Look at this," Hyunjin ignored everything Felix had said, getting up to show the younger blonde a picture on his phone. "Look at this. Look at the apartment number and look at the dressing of the person leaving. And don't say anything because we are positive that it's his apartment."

Felix snatched the phone from the older's hand, glaring at him before looking down at the device. "The fuck? Okay? A shirtless guy... crying?" Felix observed the picture, pouting slightly as he pitied the sad stranger. "But like, what does this have to do with anything? And please, even before we continue. Tell me how you're so confident it's Chan's apartment."

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