Chapter Five

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Later on that evening, at Christy's Apartment . . . .

After saving Klaus from Sophie and Sabine, Christy laid him on the three seat sofa with her sitting in the sofa chair.

Christy's phone rings on the coffee table. She picks it up and looks at it.


She answers it. "Freya, Hi."

"Christy, have you seen Klaus?", Freya asks worriedly on the phone.

"Yes, he's at my apartment. Two witches, hit him with their magic." Christy tells her.

"Okay. I'm coming." Freya says, and hangs up her phone.

Christy quickly puts her phone back on the coffee table. Klaus slightly moves a little and sits up straight.

"How are you?" Christy asks him.

"What happened?" Klaus asks her.

"Two witches harmed you with their witch magic." Christy says.

Klaus groans, slightly aggravated. "I'll kill them both."

"Of course, you will." Christy says. "By the way, Freya phone called. I told her you're at my apartment."

Christy hands him a small plastic cup. Klaus looks at it, and glances at her. "How do I know you're not trying to poison me?"

"Would I poison you, Klaus?" Christy asks him, skeptical. "It's just orange juice."

Klaus looks at Christy with a soften look and gently takes the small plastic cup from her and sips the orange juice.

Knock. Knock.

Christy gets up walks to the door and looks in the peephole. It's Freya. She opens the door and sees Freya there, along with Elijah.

"Hi, Christy." Freya says.

"Hi, Freya." Christy says, shifting her gaze at Elijah. "You can come in, Elijah."

Elijah nodded with a slight smile as he and Freya walks in. Christy closes the door behind them.

"Klaus is gonna be okay", Christy says to them.

"Thank you, Christy." Freya says. "For taking care of him."

"You're welcome." Christy tells her.

Klaus looks at Elijah and Freya.

"How are you?" Freya asks him.

"I'm fine." Klaus says to Freya, looking at Christy. "And thank you."

"You're welcome." Christy says to him.

Klaus gets up, putting his jacket back on. "We need to leave, we have things to discuss."

Klaus walks to Christy. "I'll see you around."

"You as well." Christy says to him.

Klaus and Christy exchange small smiles at each other. Klaus leaves out of the apartment.

Elijah then, walks to Christy. "Pardon my brother's, Niklaus's, behavior, he can be himself sometimes."

"I can tell." Christy says to Elijah. "Let me guess, he's moody, a pain in the ass sometimes, an arrogant asshole. And threatens to get what he wants."

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