Chapter Three

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Sophie walks back to Christy's tomb and sees that it's been open. Pulling out her phone, she quickly dials Sabine's phone.

"What is it, Sophie?" Sabine asks, on the phone.

"Sabine, we have a little problem." Sophie says on her phone. "The tomb we were looking at, it's been opened."


Minutes after, Sophie and Sabine are looking at the Christy's now-opened tomb.

"Who opened it?" Sabine asks Sophie confusingly.

"I don't know." Sophie says. "Maybe the person did."

"So, you're saying that whoever was in here, is out?", Sabine asked her, shockingly.

"Of course, she is." Klaus says to them. Sophie and Sabine looks at him. "And I suggest you two leave Christy alone."

Sophie and Sabine exchanges at each other as Klaus sped off.



Rebekah walks in the bar as Marcel's vampires are sitting around at tables, chatting and sipping bottles of beer and glasses of bourbon.

"Hello, Diego." Rebekah says, walking to him.

"Well, well, well, we have an Original." Diego says. "What do you want?"

"Just a little bit of gossip." Rebekah says. "I assume Marcel has told you about a woman with dirty blonde-hair."

"You mean Christy Nelson?" Diego says to her. "Marcel doesn't want anyone bothering her or causing her any trouble."

"Huh? So, he's protecting the blonde cutie." Rebekah says, slightly jealous. "Where is she?"

"Rebekah." Marcel says.

Rebekah turns around to him. "Just the man I wanted to see." she says, walking to him. "Where is she?"

"I don't know who you're talking about." Marcel says to her.

Rebekah vamp-speeds him to wall, pinning him against it. "Don't play foolish with me, Marcel. Now, where is she?"

"Marcel?" Christy says. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Christy. Marcel says, looking at Rebekah.

"How sweet." Rebekah says.

Rebekah lets him go and looks at Christy. "So, you're the girl that the supernatural gossip is about."

Rebekah starts to walk to her as Marcel gets in front of Christy, protectively.

"Leave her alone, Bekah." Marcel says to her.

"Invite her to the party at the compound", Rebekah says. "I'm sure she would look lovely in a dress later on tonight."

Rebekah walks pass him, looking at Christy as she walks away.

"You okay?" Christy asks him.

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