Chapter: 16

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Chapter: 16

That moment when Tavi finally takes Addison to McDonalds so she gotta hit the nae nae real quick lol.

& before I start this chapter remember we are in the FUTURE! We are not in 2015! It's 2023 lol


*2:45 A.M. Tavi's Birthday. *


The interrogation room door opened and I looked over at the two white detectives walking in. It's been two hours since they brought me down here and now they're official going to question me. Of course they had to go through the crime scene and put together what they think might have happened to build questions.

Although it's been two hours I stayed up the entire time. I may not look good, but my mind is fully functioning and I can't afford it not to be. All I could think about is the facts in my head and I kept replaying what the scenario would've been like.

The two detectives sat down on the chairs across from me and pulled out notepads and pens. One slid a water bottle across the table and I didn't take any hesitation on picking it up. I needed the coldness to wake me up even more.

"Okay, Tavi? Right?" I nodded my head as the first detective spoke. "Right now you are officially being questioned. You have the right to remain silent. If you decide to give up that right anything you say can and will be used against you in the prosecution. You have a right to an attorney and if you cannot afford one we will appoint one to you. If you understand these right as I read them please sign and date at the dotted line."

He slid the piece of paper over to me and I picked up the pen and signed and dated the paper like instructed. He took the paper back and then placed a recorder on top of the table, pushing the red button. The other detective seemed to just be in the room to analyze everything while the other one did all the talking.

The detective let out a deep sigh, "okay can you please state your name and date of birth for me."

"Tavi Marie Torres-Livingston, May 23rd, 1997," I replied.

"You're married? What's your husband's name?"

I nodded my head, "yes. Shayne Christopher Livingston."

"And that's the deceased?"

I shook my head, "no."

"Do you know the deceased?"

I nodded, "yes."

"Okay walk me through what happened tonight...," he took a sip from his coffee and leaned back in his seat.

"Well tonight is my birthday and I was out celebrating with my friends," I started.

"What time did you leave?"

"Ten o'clock."

I watched as he wrote down on his pad and then look up at me, "where did you go tonight?"

"A club in downtown Atlanta called Passion."

He continued to write and then looked up again, "finish."

I folded my hands on top of the table, "I left the club a little after eleven because I realized that I had things to do in the morning. As I was coming into the house I could feel the presence of someone behind me. I knew it wasn't my husband because he's not in town right now," I lied.

The detective nodded, "okay and what time did you say you came in?"

"Around eleven forty five."

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