Chapter: 10

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Chapter: 10





            I layed on Marco’s chest as our fingers were entwined and the sun was peaking through the windows. We’ve laying here since yesterday just sleeping away the pain that we endured yesterday morning. I wasn’t over it, but I knew I had to move on from here.

            “Can we talk about something?” I asked Marco as I looked up at him.

            He nodded, “yeah we can talk about anything.”

            “Do you still look at me the same way you used to before we got together?” I asked out of curiosity.

            Marco shook his head, “nah’. After taking some time to get to know you, other than the sex, I think my view on you changed.”

            I bit down on my bottom lip and smiled a little to myself. I was never the one for sweet talk, but sometimes Marco knows all the right things to say and when to say them. I sat up as he looked over at me confused.

            There are still some things from my past that he doesn’t know about and I know holding off from it for six months is a long time. I just hope that when I tell him he doesn’t go back to looking at me like the old Trina.

            “What’s wrong?” He sensed my discomfort.

            I pushed some hair out of my face, “there are a lot of things from my past that I need to tell you about.”

            He nodded, “well tell me.”

            “It’s not that easy,” I admitted. “I’ve never told anyone the entire story before and I just don’t know if you’ll judge me or something.”

            Marco sat up against the head board as I sat Indian style in front of him, “you can tell me anything. I won’t judge you.”

            “Well you know I’m from Africa and that I don’t have family,”

            He nodded his head, “yeah, I know.”

            “Actually I did have family. I had a wonderful mom and two older brothers that lived with me. My dad wasn’t really around because he lived in Trinidad so I didn’t really know him, but I was happy. I had a family and we lived peacefully together.”

            I smiled and reminisced on the faces I always seem to see in my dreams. My two older brothers who’d always protect me when I was scared and my mom who would always assure me that being alive is better than not being alive and that I should be grateful for waking up every morning. Their faces were starting to fade away the older I got, it seemed like I was losing the memories with each passing day.

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