Not Today ~ DaiSuga

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 Sugawara groaned as his alarm blared in his ear. He fumbled for his phone to turn it off and glared as its bright light hit his eyes. He clicked snooze and flipped back over, yawning before pulling the blanket over his head and falling back asleep.

   About fifteen minutes later, his alarm went off once again. The silver-haired boy cringed and reached over, moving his hand around until he managed to hit the snooze button once again. He knew that he should probably get up and get ready, but he didn't want to. He was too tired. He just wanted to sleep all day. Suga closed his eyes once again, easily falling back asleep.

   Sugawara snored softly as the time ticked by. He was supposed to be at school in 15 minutes, however, at this point, there was no way he was making it on time. The phone's alarm had gone off again, and Suga had dismissed it completely, making sure it wouldn't annoy him again.

   Daichi looked at the clock on the wall and frowned. His boyfriend should be here by now. He pulled out his phone and opened their messages.

   Suga's phone pinged and the setter turned his head and glared at it. He grabbed his phone and his expression immediately changed. It was Daichi asking where he was. Sugawara quickly responded and shut his phone back off, placing it on the edge of his nightstand.

   Daichi sighed when he read Suga's response. He was sleeping, he called in sick that morning. The brunette decided that joining Suga would be better than class, and so he managed to convince the nurse to let him go home. He informed his teacher that he was leaving because he was "sick," and then left after signing out.

   Daichi got to Suga's and used his extra key to open the front door. He knew his boyfriend's parents were away on a business trip, so he didn't have to worry about them. He walked up the stairs and stopped in front of the older's door. He reached for the doorknob and slowly pushed the door open.

   The spiker approached the bed as quietly as possible and hesitated before slightly shaking Suga. Sugawara's eyes shot open and he sprung up. He let out a breath of relief when he realized that it was just Daichi.

   "Holy shit you scared me," Suga sighed.

   Daichi chuckled.

   "I'm sorry."

   Suga then realized what was going on and raised an eyebrow.

   "Wait, why are you here?"

   Daichi rubbed the back of his neck.

   "I kind of pretended to be sick so I could leave," he responded guiltily.

   Sugawara rolled his eyes and smiled. He opened his arms, signaling for a hug. Daichi reacted quickly and hugged him back, tightly. The older rested his head in the crook of the latter's neck and inhaled his scent.

   "Hey, you have clothes in my closet, go find them and change out of your school uniform," Suga whispered.

   Daichi nodded and walked over to the closet. Sugawara laid back down, covering himself with the blankets once again.

   Once the younger had changed, he re-approached the silver-haired boy's bed. Suga opened up the side of the blanket and Daichi laid beside him. Sugawara wrapped himself around Daichi's torso, pressing his bare chest against the latter's.

   "You're so warm," Sugawara mumbled.

   "And you're suffocating me," Daichi huffed.

   Suga loosed his hold.

   "Thank you."


   Daichi began to softly scratch his boyfriend's back as Sugawara began to fall back asleep, once again. Suga's breathing fell into a steady pattern, and after a bit, so did Daichi's.  









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