Bedtime Songs ~ BokuAka

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     It was late and Akaashi couldn't sleep. He tried and tried, but all his efforts were in vain.  He didn't know why all of his attempts to sleep failed, he wasn't stressed, he wasn't in pain, and it wasn't stormy, so why couldn't he sleep? Typically, he would have just given up and spent the entire night awake, however, he had an important exam tomorrow, and he needed the sleep. 

     Akaashi frowned. He turned his body to face the digital clock resting on a stand next to the bed. The time read 1:30 AM. He sighed and fumbled for his phone.

     Bokuto shot up. His phone was ringing. He turned on his lamp, and began to viciously search for the phone.  Who could be calling this late? After totally trashing the room, he found his phone in his jacket's pocket.  He grimaced as he looked at the mess he'd have to clean up the following day.  He quickly hit accept to make sure he didn't miss the call.

Call between Bokuto and Akaashi:


"Hello Bokuto-san. I apologize for disrupting your night."


"I- okay"

"Did you need something??"

"I can't sleep. I figured you'd respond." 

"Oh. "


     Akaashi blinked at his phone. Had Bokuto just hung up on him? He knew it was late, but Bokuto had always been willing to listen to him when he needed it, no matter the time of day.  Maybe he was really tired, Akaashi thought.  Oh well, no sleep for me tonight.  Akaashi turned his light off and proceeded to stare into darkness. 

     As soon as he hung up the call, Bokuto immediately felt guilty. He had made it seem as if he didn't care that Akaashi couldn't sleep, but he most certainly did.  An idea had formed in his head, and he got excited. He had issues falling asleep when he was younger, and his sisters had always sung to him to help him sleep. Bokuto quickly changed his clothes, slipped on some shoes, and sneaked out of the house, making sure to not disturb his family. 


     Akaashi flinched.  There was someone knocking on his window.  This terrified him.  It was currently 2 AM, and someone was at the window. He cautiously stood up from the bed, and slowly walked towards the window.  Akaashi slightly peeled back the curtains, to get a glimpse of who was here so early in the morning.  As soon as he realized who it was, he opened his window in shock.

    "OH MY GOD." Akaashi whisper-screamed.

     "Whoa, I didn't think you'd be that excited to me," Bokuto replied slyly.




     Bokuto's smirk turned into a guilty smile. "Oops?"

     Akaashi sighed and grabbed Bokuto's arm to pull him into his bedroom. 

     "Why are you here?" 

     "You said you couldn't sleep. I wanted to help."

      Akaashi held a neutral expression on his face. 

     "Just trust me."

     Bokuto then carried back Akaashi to his bed, gently laying him down.  He then joined Akaashi, cradling the smaller. 

     "What the hell are you doing?" Akaashi asked, flustered. This wasn't what he expected. Heck, he didn't really know what was going on in the first place. 

      Bokuto began to softly sing. This was NOT what Akaashi expected.  However he wasn't complaining. Bokuto's voice was beautiful. He had heard him sing before, but hadn't listened for very long, and didn't pay much mind to it. His voice was quite soothing, and Akaashi began to feel much calmer. He cuddled into Bokuto, focusing on his lovely voice.

      Bokuto continued to sing, feeling the weight on his chest increase as he noticed Akaashi's body calming.  He blushed at the sight of a calm, vulnerable Keiji Akaashi. It was a rare sight.  Akaashi's breathing began to slow, and fall into a calming rhythm.  Bokuto stopped singing. He admired Akaashi's beauty, his fluffy hair, his adorable face, and the little noises that he made.  

     Bokuto laid down next to the now sleeping Akaashi, and pulled the latter into his chest. He placed a small kiss on Akaashi's forehead before falling asleep himself. 











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