Dandelions ~ KageHina

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       Kageyama was never good with words. When it came to sharing how he felt, he could never find the right words to correctly describe his emotions. To him, there was no way to describe his feelings in an efficient manner, without either spewing out literal nonsense or just totally embarrassing himself. It just wasn't possible, and when he realized he had feelings for his hyper and upbeat friend, Hinata, oh boy, was Kageyama Tobio a hot mess.

     Kageyama didn't know the first thing about attraction, let alone how to deal with it. So, he decided to just ignore it until it went away.

     It didn't go away.

     After months of this odd feeling, Kageyama knew he couldn't just get rid of these feelings as easily as he thought. They just got stronger. Did he know why he had these feelings? No. All he knew was that they were there, and that they weren't going away anytime soon. 

     "Kageyama?" A soft voice spoke from behind him. "Are you alright?"

      "What? Oh yes, sorry Suga-san." Kageyama anxiously replied. 

     "Are you sure? You were spacing out. You're usually either intensely practicing or bickering with someone."

     Kageyama frowned. He'd been thinking about other things.  He could take a break, couldn't he? 

    "Yes I'm s-"

    "KAGEYAMAAA!" Hinata screamed as he ran up to Kageyama. "Come on, get up. I need someone to set to." 

      Kageyama glared at him. "You idiot! Calm down!" The raven haired boy stood up and began to walk over to the court while Hinata shot by him, happy to have his setter participating for the first time that practice.  Kageyama's sour expression faded as he noticed the large smile on the tangerine's face. It was comforting, and the raven's heart fluttered. He smiled, a genuine smile, although he didn't know this. However, Sugawara, who just happened to have still been watching them, noticed Kageyama's quick attitude change. Oh. So that's why he's been off,  Sugawara thought. 

     The rest of the practice continued without any issues. As soon as Kageyama was about to leave, he was approached by Sugawara once again. 

    "Kageyama, could you hold up a sec?" Suga asked with a smile on his face.

     "I-oh-uh--sure," Kageyama stuttered.  What did he need this time?

     "It's Hinata isn't it?" Suga asked smoothly, staring Kageyama straight in the eyes.

    "What? What do you mean?"

    "The reason you've been so distracted lately" 

    "How-," Kageyama was caught off guard. "How in the world-wha?"

     "Sugawara Senpai knows all." Sugawara replied, the smile never leaving his face.

     Kageyama blinked.  Well okay then. He knew it was useless arguing, Suga won almost any argument he was involved in.  Although, if Sugawara managed to figure him out this quickly, he must have made his feelings obvious. This was definitely not something he wanted. 

     "Okay..." Kageyama began slowly. He blushed and stared down at his feet. "Yeah," he whispered. 

      Suga smiled even more. "Great! Well, how do you plan to tell him about your feelings?" 

      Kageyama's head shot up. "What? Tell him? Why would I do that? He doesn't need to know." Kageyama blushed even more. Anymore of this confrontation and his face would catch on fire. 

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