The Zoo ~ KinKuni

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  "You know, if Iwaizumi was here he would let me ride on his back."

   "Kunimi, he has a boyfriend AND you're taller than him."

  "I still bet he would."

   Kindaichi sighed. He and Kunimi were currently walking through the long parking lot of the zoo.  Kunimi defiantly did not want to walk all the way there. Kindaichi gave in and allowed Kunimi to hop onto his back.  Kunimi kissed the back of the taller's neck and hummed. 

   "Thank you~"

   "You're welcome," Kindaichi grumbled, a light blush dusting his cheeks.

   The two approached the front gate and Kindaichi allowed Kunimi to hop down. They purchased tickets and had them punched before walking inside the main area.  Kunimi dragged his boyfriend down the brick pavement, approaching an enclosure.  Kunimi's eyes lit up as wolves raced around through their enclosure.  Kindaichi let out a small laugh and softly smiled.  A zoo trip was Kunimi's birthday gift, as Kindaichi knew of the shorter's love for animals. 

   "Yu! Look!" Kunimi said pointing at young wolf cubs. 

   "They're adorable," Kindaichi smiled. 

   Kunimi slowly walked away, nearing an enclosure with a bear. The area was quite large, making it hard to spot the bear who was supposed to be roaming around.  Kunimi's eyes widened as he spotted a large brown bear beside the wall of the enclosure. He tugged on Kindaichi's sleeve. A light breeze drifted through, ruffling Akira's hair. 

   "C'mon, there's more to see you know," Kindaichi whispered after about 5 minutes of staring at the bear.


   The two walked down a stone road, large trees surrounding the pathway. They passed by several exhibits, taking small glimpses at them, nothing really catching their eyes. However, Kindaichi stopped as the two approached a tapir enclosure. 

   "Kunimi look! They're right up against the wire."

   Kunimi quickly changed his direction, pulling Kindaichi over to the exhibit. He laughed as the tapir stared right at them. He waved at it, and Kindaichi quickly took a picture of Kunimi's happy expression. While the shorter was occupied, Kindaichi quickly sent the image to their team's groupchat. He hastily put his phone away before scooping Kunimi up, carrying him away from the enclosure. Kunimi giggled and allowed himself to be carried around the large park. The two earned of a few disgusted glances, however, they paid no mind to them. 

   Kindaichi allowed his boyfriend to find his footing on the ground. As soon as he was able, he immediately sprinted over to a small grassy area with tortoises. 

   "You know, those two kind of remind me of Oikawa and Iwaizumi," Kunimi said, pointing at two tortoises. One was walking around the roped area, seemingly attempting to escape the other, who was trailing them.  Kindaichi smiled.

   "You're right."

   Kunimi blinked before turning to face Kindaichi. 

   "Do you think they're stalking us again?"

   Kindaichi paused.

   "I highly doubt it, but you never know with those four," Kindaichi said, his voice trailing away.

   "They're a bit weird, don't you think? Like, what do they need to know, it's none of their business."

   Kindaichi hummed in agreement.  The pair walked over to a bench, stopping for a short break.  Kindaichi leaned over to kiss Kunimi, Kunimi quickly accepting. 

   Suddenly, Kindaichi and Kunimi's phones buzzed. They both opened their phones, immediately seeing a picture of them on the bench.

Aoba Hoesai  🤪 ✌

Kindaichi: What the hell

Kyotani: Shit

Yahaba: Really? You blew our cover.

Kunimi: What cover...?

Yahaba: Nothing nothing

Oikawa: You three suck at this. 

Watari: You were caught in a tree last time

Oikawa: Nobody asked you. 

Iwaizumi: oikawa come back here. 

Iwaizumi: and stop being creepy.

Iwaizumi: and bitchy.

Oikawa: Nevermind, I take it back.

Hanamaki: 🤨

Matsukawa: Ohohoho~

Kunimi: Someone answer my damn question. 

Matsukawa: Right right well-

Yahaba: Don't you fucking dare. 

Hanamaki: Oikawa paid Watari Yahaba and Kyotani to follow you two

Kindaichi: One fucking day.

Kindaichi: ONE

Kindaichi: FUCKING

Kindaichi: DAY

   The two shut off their phones and immediately began their search for the second years.  It wasn't long before they ran into them by the bathrooms. 


   Yahaba laughed nervously and Kyotani looked away. 

   "Yeah, sorry..." Watari spoke.

   "Mhm. Sure," Kunimi huffed. 

   "I might just stab that kid," Kindaichi sighed.

   "Have fun with that."

   "I will."









Oikawa was never heard from again.

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