Her mind

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(a/n this is basically what happened in her mind since you know that the smell was basically an endless nightmare of torture from what Freya said the spell was so enjoy)


Hope's POV

I opened my eyes to a foggy forest everything around me was dark and gloomy. What the hell had just happened and where am I. I walked through the squelching of mud under my shoes. I walked and walked but it was a never ending path of almost darkness. My wolf eyes glowed trying to see what was around me better but it didn't stop. From every way it looked like it would go on forever. The fog burning my eyes making me squint them. I stood still and tried to make a light ball my moving my hand in a circle like usually did but I failed. I repeated and repeated never working.

I was panicking my magic's not working and everything around me is darkness I don't even remember what happened before I was here, How did I get here and why was I here anyway?

My mind descended into a mess and spiral of terrifying thoughts assuming I had been knocked out and left here. My family had left me alone, by myself. I tried to take a deep breath the fog just as it had burned my eyes burned my throat. I breathed in anyway trying to calm down coming to my scenes knowing my family would never leave me, Josie would never leave me.

Those thoughts didn't stop me from wearily looking around trying to figure out any indication of wear I was . I blinked slowly and suddenly a mansion popped up before me. It was muggy green with pillars on the outside that had been drowned in black vines. I looked closer at them and they were almost pulsing.

You could tell how gorgeous the house would have been if it was clean and new, it would have been a beautiful old fashioned white house. Pretty trees just outside that were now over grown almost covering it completely.

I walked closer stepping over the vines that seemed as any second they were about to become alive. I stepped carefully up the few steps at the very few steps Infront of the house. I looked around it an image flashing before my eyes. This is my house my families house. The Mikaelson manor.

I gritted my teeth thinking of how this could have happened and where everyone was. I pushed on the door and it fell open barely giving any fight. I took a few steps into the house, there was nothing bad that I could see it was old and broken down. The same vines that were all over the outside where also in the inside. The stairs looked like they where about to crumble and had already in a few places.

I walked into the main living room stopping abruptly, when my feet where lifted from beneath me and dragged me upside down. One of the vines was around my feet. My father was standing on the ground his golden eyes showing with the black veins going down his face followed by his fangs directed at me.

"This is all your fault our family fell for you the people you loved fell for you and now your left alone" He said.

"What do you mean ?" I cried out in confusion, tears brimming your eyes.

Next appeared Freya her hands glowing with power and a glare directing at myself

"I treated you like my daughter and you let me down you let everyone down"

Tears seeped down my face trying to block out what they were saying. There was a zap of air and my mother appeared by Freya.

"You may have brought me back to life but you killed me first and your killing all of us your such a disappointment" Mom said this her voice filled with disgust and hate.

Kol and Rebekah came in after talking to each other.

"Why does anyone think she disserves to be called a Mikaelson" Kol said looking up at me

"Ugghh I know look how pathetic and weak she is Mikaelsons don't destroy there family they protect it" Rebekah said looking at me bored

Elijah walked in slowly coming to stand by the rest of her family who were still looking up at her with hatred. "Why are we keeping such a monster in our family. I thought you were going to be good Hope but your worse than any others"

Keelin, Davina and Vincent strolled in. "Why did we save her so many times she wasn't worth it" Keelin said.

"I died for her and she turned out to be a piece of garbage" Davina said

"Aww look how pathetic she is the new Orleans witches where right about her all she brings is destruction and down fall"

I tried to stop crying but no matter how hard I tried every time one of them told me something. The tears would run more. The only thing running through my head is how terrible I am, why can't I just be a good person instead o letting everyone I care about down constantly. I was a mistake a stupid mistake a result of an accident.

"Of course she's crying she's the one that ruined everything for the school why did we let her in" Alaric said to Caroline walking through the doors the same look as everyone else on their faces.

My heart ached they had always told me I they would be there for me. That I was the same as any other student. That my family never defined who I was.

Another person walked in yawning. "Oh look who it is the tribrid freak who constantly ruins everything you know you deserve this so stop struggling" Lizzie said.

My tears increased knowing everything they said was true I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be alive, I should die everyone hates me so no-one would care.

One more person walked in they where soaked in blood. Josie.

I was dropped to the floor the vine unravelling around my feet as I hit the floor. I bruised my back as I tried to stand up I let out a wince and stared at the person in front of me.

I closed my eyes and slowly opened them letting out a silent scream my brain not allowing me to yell. Tears dripped down my face. There was dried blood everywhere and there where decaying, destroyed bodies. All of them I recognised all of them I had just seen.

My Father, Mother, Rebekah, Elijah, Kol, Freya, Keelin, Davina, Vincent, Alaric, Caroline, Lizzie

"This is your fault your a monster you did this, you hurt everyone around you and no-one needs you, you cause damage and destruction just look what you did to us" As she said this she slumped on the floor I could smell the blood seeping around her.

My eyes wondered over them the ocean flowing out of my eyes the golden of my eyes reflecting in my salty tears as they dropped on the floor

My loved ones all there dead on the floor my eyes skimmed past it all trying not to take in the image but every time I looked back over, more tears flowed down my face. My knees collapsed to the floor as I let out a long pitiful scream by the end of it I was howling, my wolf letting out its mourning of it's family just as much as I was. I screamed and howled the tears never ceasing this carried on until my eyes slowly drooped shut and my quivering body dropped to the floor.

"HOPE" Was the last thing that went through my ears before the darkness came.





Part 53 and OMG I'm past 20k views thankyou so much for that, it is such a huge achievement and it is so weird to think that, that many people have viewed my story. Yes I know this is an early post but I had a lot of ideas. I tried to make the part about her mind as long as possible but I wasn't sure what else to add but I Hope you enjoyed it. I don't know if I will post another story this week if I do it wont be until the end and if I don't the next part will be out by next Friday and I will try to make it longer. Any thoughts or ideas put it in the comments or you can just have a chat but again thankyou so much for 20k

Love you all bye ^_^

(01/02/2022 1464 words)

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