Woke up

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Hope's POV

It was early in the morning and I couldn't get to sleep. Everything felt to perfect and I knew it wasn't going to stay that way long, my mind went into overdrive as I started to panic and over think everything bad that could happen. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a quiet tap on the door, I was confused by who would be up at tis time, so I cautiously walked over the door and revealing a tearful Josie. As soon as she saw me she jumped and latched onto me making almost silent sniffles. I waved my hand closing the door and sat on the bed holding her. She was now straddling me still sobbing into my arms, I drew patterns on her back trying to calm her down as I whispered sweet nothings in her ear.

After about an hour I heard her breathing slowly even out signalling she was asleep. I lied back so she was on top of me (IK it sounds sexual but I don't mean it like that) she unknowingly snuggled into my chest, making me let out a slight chuckle instantly stopping not wanting to wake her up. I put my arms around her and pulled the covers over us almost instantly falling asleep bow that I was with Josie.Even when I was asleep I was still worried, about why Josie was crying, what my parents think of me, did Josie care. I pushed the thoughts out of my mind instead letting a Dream takeover clouding my thoughts.


I woke up and felt a bright light on my face and Josie still on top of me cuddling, I heard whispers from the side of the room and decided to listen instead of showing I was awake. "Awe they're so cute Klaus don't ruin there morning" I heard Rebekah talk in a cheery voice; I sometimes don't understand how we're related she's a morning person confident and isn't afraid of falling in love while I hate mornings, am the least confident person in the world and love scared me because it gave more people a chance to leave. I heard footsteps from the side of me and slightly louder whispering, "Klaus leave them alone" I heard Kol chime in why the hell was my family watching me sleep.

I heard clicks and flashes coming from the door and I opened my eyes to my family taking photo's of me and Josie cuddling. 'Jesus I get no peace in this family' (a/n I mean this in a jokie way)I flipped them of making my dad gasp and I played with Josie's hair not wanting to wake her up because of how upset she was yesterday, "Hope I may have been brought back to life 2 days ago but I'll ground you" I rolled my eyes and looked back at the goddess on my chest.

Josie had started to stir and I kissed the top of her head. "Good morning love" She rolls of me and sits up now staring at everyone in the room "Why the hell are they all here" She whispers in my ear. "Remember half of us our vampires" Kol says making Josie give and embarrassed smile. "So basically I woke up to Lizzie telling me you had gone missing so first place I looked was obviously here, on the way I made a speech on what I was going to say but when I got here you 2 were looking so adorable so I got the rest of the family to take pictures of you 2 cuddling" Dad says talking to Josie. "Little stalkerish" I say with a cocky tone making Dad smirk at me clearly knowing I was going to say that "I'm your Dad it's my Job" He bows still not having removed the smirk. "until the end of time ?" I question know having the same smirk on my face. "The end of time is a little excessive"

The whole time everyone in the room was looking at us in amazement "Ok so if we had any doubt that Klaus was Hope's father that just proved he is" Rebekah said now gobsmacked. I looked around the room noticing the rest of the Saltzman's, Mom and Uncle Elijah weren't here. "Hey were are the rest" Josie says noticing as well "Well your Dad and Lizzie went back to bed and I don't think the other to are in bed but not sleeping" I covered my ears not needing to hear about that. "eWW what the hell dad" Elijah walked in from behind him somehow still in a suit "Hope like you can talk you said some funny stuff on my last day here" I thought back remembering the talk of 'my existence' "So this is it 'Dad lives a thousand years does weird ritual to become the only vampire who can procreate, mom moves from foster home to foster home to end up in Mystic Falls, when dad got sad and drunk had a one-nighter with mom basically hate banging, then boom loophole, miracle baby" Dad looked shocked at Elijah's words and Rebekah, Kol and Freya were dying of laughter "Who the hell told you the whole story" Dad asked suspiciously "Mom" After that I started dying of laughter and couldn't breathe.

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now