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Alaric's POV

After having to explain everything that had happened minus what Hope had been going through before Klaus, Hayley and Elijah came back because Hope didn't deserve for someone she wasn't close to, to know. Damon was stood there shocked looking at Hope's body on the floor. "So you guys have a plan to tell mini Klaus back to herself" We looked at each other and then we all looked over to Josie. "Maybe we should do a Silence barrier so if Hope wakes up she doesn't over hear it" Hayley recommended and Freya said a quick chant and went back to glaring and at Damon.

Everyone was just staring at each other until Josie coughed getting everyone's attention "So what we're going to do is basically kill me" "What ?" Josie explained what they were going to do neither me or Damon knowing about this "Josie your not doing this" "Dad I want to and if it can save Hope I don't care what happens to me also if I turn into a vampire we don't have to do the merge" I still didn't agree with her doing it but I knew she wasn't going to give up, she really loves Hope and nothing was going to stop it.

"So when is this going to happen" Klaus looked at me nervously like he knew I wasn't going to be pleased. "Tonight" I scoffed did they even have anything planned I would not let anything happen to my daughter and I would hate if she turned into a heretic I didn't know if she would be able to control it or not. "Josie if you have any second thoughts please tell me I don't want you doing something you'll regret forever" "Dad I'll be fine I know I want to do this" She came up to me and hugged me proving to me how much she knew she wanted to do this.


Freya's POV

We started to set up for everything we didn't need to do much just put a protection spell over Josie we also had Keelin there to help her in a medical way if anything went wrong. If it went really wrong I could shock her heart into starting before the vampire blood took affect.

Hope had a few hour sleeping spell on her to make sure she didn't figure out what was happening. I explained to Josie what would happen telling her if she wanted to back out it had to be now. "Freya I told Dad and I'll tell you I'm sure and there is no way I'm backing out I love your niece and she is one of my everything's so no I will not back out I will never back out on Hope" I didn't realise what I was about to do until my arms wrapped around Josie hugging her tightly "Thankyou so much for loving her the way you do she needs someone good to her like you are" Josie smiled tightly and we went back to setting up as Klaus and Hayley were talking in the corner.

Klaus's POV

"Hayley what if this doesn't work what if we do all this for nothing or something goes wrong to Hope or Josie I can't ruin this family again"

"Klaus you are not ruining anything if this does not work we will find away to bring her back and if anything happens to Josie remember she's going to have Hope's blood in her system" Her words reassured me but it didn't cease my worries. I didn't think Josie had drunk Hope's blood yet so I headed upstairs to get a vile of it from my safe.

Once I had gotten it and reached downstairs they were all ready and Hope was half awake half asleep now slightly lucid from coming out of the spell. "Drink this Josie it's Hope's blood" She took it from my hand opening it shakily and drinking it with a grimace on her face. "Josie we need to start the protection spell now, Klaus go get our siblings to help and make sure Lizzie and Alaric stay away because we also have to let down the barrier in the process" I nodded and called for my sibling them arriving in siblings.

Josie lied down on th floor and Freya started to chant a spell protecting her from any harm that would happen to her but we didn't know if it would protect from death.

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now