Hope, hOpE, HOPE

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Hope's POV

Yesterday was stressful having to keep the fact that I was planning my families resurrection, at one point in the day I was working on putting ingredients together for the spell and Aunt Freya walked in she almost automatically recognised it and started shouting about how dangerous it was I knew all the risks but at this point I didn't care I just needed my parents. Josie kept trying to talk to me and when we did it was hard to keep my guard up, But I knew I couldn't put that pressure on Josie yesterday I loaded a lot of information on to her and I can tell it took a toll on her she looks at me different then before that's why I loved it when she came into my room and basically checked me out because It made me feel normal the relationship we have normal.

I left for the Bayou leaving Josie in my room, I had to leave now because I knew I wouldn't get the chance too tomorrow. Freya would come looking for me so I straight away put an intense blocking spell on me my blood my scent anything that could help someone find me. I walked half way and started to get tired so I shifted and started running, I always forgot how amazing it was the wind around me racing not having to focus on every imperfection of my life, soon I got to the bayou and walked to the back end this part was the only place I ever went now because if I went anywhere else it hurt to much especially seeing the dock and the river remembering all the fun times we had on it. I stood up and placed my ingredients down they were in a bag hanging from my mouth, after I sat them down and shifted I put some clothes on that I decided to bring just in case I ripped my other pair.

I looked around checking for any signs of life and sat down and drifted to sleep knowing I would need it for the day to come. I woke up as the sun started to rise already seeing a faint red mark in the sky I knew the exact time it would be full tower I had time but didn't want to risk it so I set everything up to be prepared. I checked through everything making sure nothing was missing it was all set I just had to wait. I was exited but terrified. What if they were disappointed of who I was, What if they were angry at me because they couldn't find peace and I left them. I tried to push all the thoughts out my head and tried to concentrate on reserving energy for tonight.

Freya's POV

As soon as everyone woke up we went looking for Hope we started of around the French quarter and then decided to go to the bayou, It was going to be impossible to find her. I was the only one who knew what she was planning on doing and I wanted to tell the others but they might not understand what might happen and the risks of it. Yes I miss my brothers and my best friend but I don't want to risk losing Hope even if she did come back as a vampire, she has been through so much and that might take affect on her.

It was mid day by now and the red crescent moon had been getting stronger and stronger it wouldn't be at its peek until sun down but we wouldn't find Hope by then everyone was worried about her but no-one knew how worried they should be by 5 I decided I should tell them. "We're not going to be able to find her she'll probably turn up tomorrow anyway" Lizzie spoke I turned to look at all of them questioning if I should do this "I need to tell you what she is trying to do" Everyone turned to me with a questioning look. "So the Mikaelsons know where our parents grimoire's are and how dangerous they can be" My family nodded and the Saltzman's kept looking at me with worried eyes "So Hope took one and found a resurrection spell that only our mother had used once " The Mikaelsons faces turned shocked and scared. "Hope is planning on using that tonight because it's a red crescent that's why we were arguing last night I found her mixing some herbs together and figured it out, she knew the consequences that she could be faced with but didn't care" The Saltzman's still looked confused I turned to them "If she doesn't have the right amount of power she could die. Josie's eyes immediately filled with tears and the other two went blank with worry "WhY tHe HeLl DiD yOu NoT tElL uS tHiS earlier" Rebekah and Kol screamed at me. "I seriously didn't think she was so good at hiding" Rebekah and Kol's eyes filled with race as the rest filled with sympathy.

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