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Josie's POV

Hope hadn't talked to us at all since yesterday she hadn't even talked to her family everyone was constantly checking on her but each time she either looked to concentrated or almost numb. It was strange because no-one actually checked on her in school so she could easily put up a cover but everyone could tell she was struggling to keep it up through the whole day. Every time I could tell she was struggling I wanted to run over thee and hug her one time I did and she shoved me off, when she did that it really hurt me I didn't even know if we were together or not, I wanted to ask her but I knew it wasn't the right time.

Lizzie slept in the same bed with me that night because I was getting nightmares every time I even shut my eyes just imagining Hope with blood around her not being fast enough to save her. I knew Hope basically couldn't die we didn't even know if the white stake could kill her, but we didn't want to unlike what Hope thought. Yes her parents and Uncle died but it wasn't her fault and it was going to be hard for her to accept that.

Throughout the day it was getting harder and harder to cope with seeing Hope like this at one point she just smiled and walked around like everything was alright the smile seemed so real half of us couldn't tell the difference but today non of us could. At one point I couldn't cope with it so I stormed to her room swinging it open with a quick hand movement.

On the other side reviled Hope with just a bra and some pants on. My mouth fell open looking at her from bottom to top resting on her chest. "Like what you see" She said whilst putting on a large top then went midway thigh. I was shocked because she had finally spoken. "I-I Hi" I couldn't process what had just happened. "Hi are you okay ?" I sighed at her question why was she asking me that. "Yeah but your aunt has been teaching me spells all day and it's been getting boring" She nodded in understanding clearly having had to go through that in he past. Freya had been giving us spells lessons. One because we weren't at school, two we needed more offense spells no matter what dad says.

Hope gave me a kiss on the cheek and basically forced me out the room. My heart felt warm knowing she still cared but also curious as to why she had pushed me out the room, but instead of snooping I went to Lizzie knowing Freya would check on Hope in a few minutes.

Lizzie's POV

I was shocked when I found out about Hope she always seemed happy in a cocky dark sort of way, hearing what happened made sense to me she had been through so much who wouldn't blame themselves. I gave her space knowing she wouldn't want my attitude it wasn't that I meant to be bitchy to Hope it was kinda just our thing to each other we were actually really close. Hope I don't think had figured this out yet but I had put a spell on her room from summoning anything sharp and her family had already taken anything that was in her room.

I could see all of this had taken a toll on Josie especially because she had a nightmare because of it I didn't want her to feel alone so I was with her most the time. I was sat on one of the sofa's downstairs when Josie walked up to me with a smile on her face "Hope kissed me on the cheek" Wow she really did love Hope "Oh you love struck child" I laughed giving her a hug as she sat next to me. "So what happened" "Well I sort of walked in on her changing she flirted I just stood there awkwardly she kissed me on the cheek then pushed me out" this was funny to me so I burst out laughing "Whatttt" She wined "It's just funny how her kissing you one the cheek made your whole mood perk up" She giggled not denying It because of how obviously true it was.

Dad walked in on us in a fit of giggling making a smile light up on his face. "What are you to laughing about" He smiled down sitting on the chair opposite us "Oh just how little miss Josie here got all flustered by Hope being basically naked" Josie hit me hard obviously not wanting Dad to know that part. Dad's face was now red with embarrassment and so was Josie's "Dad It was-" Dad cut her of "I don't need to know" He got up and left and I turned to my now pissed of sister. "What the hell Lizzie" I laughed at her tone knowing she would happily see Hope like that again if she could.

I heard banging and shouting from Upstairs so I run up not knowing what was happening. Hope and Freya were shouting and couldn't tell what it was about "Hope you can't" Freya screamed clearly destressed "Yes I can and I will I don't care" Hope slammed her door and Freya turned around I could now see the tears in her eyes. "What the hell happened" I said walking over to her. "Don't worry just please make sure no-one lets her out tomorrow" I nodded not knowing why. Josie rushed up behind me questioning what happened I shrugged not having a clue and told her what Freya told me she nodded. Both of us where clearly still confused.

Alaric's POV (Short)

I failed Hope how did I not realise that Hope was hurting I've known her for ages and didn't realise and it hurt me she didn't feel she could come to me the whole day I was just thinking about what would happen if we go back to school, or if she would even want to come back. At the moment Bonnie and Caroline were running the school unaware of what was happening In New Orleans but knowing that I couldn't run it right now.

Josie's POV

After Freya and Hope's fight I knocked on Hope's door she didn't answer, I knocked again and it flew open, Hope stood there with bags around her eyes and I automatically assumed she had, had a shower until I saw her balcony doors open and it was raining outside. "I was about to go to the bayou" She spoke clearly not wanting this conversation. "Can I come in ?" She nodded I walked in and she closed the balcony doors, I sat on her bed waiting for her to sit down but instead she stood by the wall and leaned on it. "Soo what was that fight about earlier ?" I questioned knowing it had to be a big deal because Freya doesn't usually shout. "It was stupid don't worry also I'm gonna go for aa run I hate being in the house all day" I agreed and she left I sat there In her room expecting her to soon return but she didn't and it had been 5 hours.

It was now 11 and there was no signs that Hope would return any time soon. I walked down to Freya's bedroom and knocked. A tired looking witch opened the door. "Hey Josie what's up" I told her that Hope still hadn't come back and she look concerned. "Shit" She whispered running to her room I ran after her and watched as she pulled out a floor board reviling nothing but the empty ground "She is so much like Hayley and Klaus" She stood up and looked at me "The next time we see her there will either be 1 surprise or 2 It depends how it goes for now we are going to sleep and in the morning we are going to look for her". This surprised me why wasn't Freya more shocked at what had happened, and what the hell was Hope doing.

I went to my room and Lizzie was already lying on her bed waiting for me. I explained to her my eventful evening. At the end we were both nearly asleep so as soon as it ended we put our heads on the pillow pulling each other in for a hug as we fell into a deep sleep.

I had another dream it was about finding out that Hope had died from suicide and she turned into a vamp and switched her humanity of not being able to handle the pain of her parents. She had killed Lizzie and Dad, now torturing me. I woke up panting for air with my sister at my side comforting me with a hand on my back after a while I calmed down and told Lizzie what happened. She pulled me in for a long hug she tried to pull away but I squeezed tighter so she sunk back into the hug. I looked over to the clock after finally looking at the clock it had only been an hour since we went to sleep so it was just about Friday. Me and Lizzie both realised we should go back to sleep. But decided otherwise instead we wanted to watch a movie. We snuck down stairs remembering there were vampires in the house. Made a few bowls of snacks and went back upstairs.

We sat down on the bed feet crossed as we decided what to watch. We decided on watching 'A Cinderella story' half way through we fell asleep. I didn't have any bad dreams after that but I was still worried as to were Hope was and why Freya wasn't worried. I knew if we didn't find her tomorrow something bad would happen I don't know what or how but I just had a feeling.

Part 18 yep I know it's another short part but it's 2 in one day I hope you enjoyed almost at 200 views witch I'm so surprised by also please tell me if you like where this is going or not because I need to know if it's worth continuing luv you all thankyou for 185 views Byeee ( 02/05/2021 1739 words )

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