Tribrid and Strange Reunions

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Hopes POV

I heard shouting all around me piercing through my ears, my gums felt like there were large needles pushing through them, I could heard the sounds of thumps around me and felt a hunger and thirst like never before. My head was pounding and there was magic bursting through me begging to be let out. I felt air burst through my throat and let out a large gasp as my surroundings became clear.

"She's awake" Someone shouted as I felt arms wrap around me and smelt the familiar sent of Josie as she clutched onto me with no intent of letting go. I hugged her back until the vain on the side of her neck was begging me to drain her smelling the blood and the happiness turned to hunger, I felt fangs in my mouth push through my gums, I inhaled her sent and quickly pushing her away with pitiful eyes not wanting to hurt her "Sorry" I said looking down trying to control myself pushing the veins back. She smiled in understanding and stepped aside to reveal my family minus my parents and uncle a sadness came through me thinking it hadn't worked realising I must be even more worthless then I thought I was.

I stood up and ran to my aunts and uncles scared of what they were thinking "I'm sorry I did it I just couldn't handle the absence I sorry please don't hate me" "Silencio" Freya spoke the silencing spell "Hope we're not mad and we understand we love you no matter what we were just worried and wish you would have let us be there for you" Tears trickled down my face at there words still bairly believing them why would they worry.

Klaus POV

Before Hope woke up Me, Hayley and Elijah had been told to go out not knowing how much emotions she could take I hated the thought that I wouldn't be with her when she first woke up, It took several minutes of arguing to push my out of the compound. I felt a arm brush my side it was my brothers. "She'll be fine don't worry just remember the amount of emotions we first had when we turned" I nodded still hating the thought. "I'm going to get her some paints and a canvas wish to join little wolf" I said turning to look at Hayley she had tears running down her face, I remembered how hard everything must be for her as well "I just want to be there for her" She cried out Elijah ran to hug her wrapping her up. "How do we talk to her about everything we saw why would she do that why couldn't we stay to be with her when she wakes up" I joined Elijah in the hug. "We will talk to her and we will be by her soon" Elijah whispered.


Few hours later

We had found out Hope had woken up and me and Hayley were rushing to see her as everyone else was telling us to stay out longer as she was 'going through a lot' did no-one seem to understand how much she had been through and she wants to see her parents after a while me a Hayley ignored them telling us to stop and we walked back to the compound none of us wasting the energy we had, it still hadn't been fully restored after being dead for 4 years.

Hope's POV

It had been an hour since I woke up and no-one had brought up if they had been brought back and I hated it they were all watching me like a hawk checking my every move like I was about to collapse them doing this made me want to after a while they let me alone by myself. It was a big mistake they hadn't talked about them meaning they weren't back meaning I had failed everyone once again. I hated this feeling It was guiltiness and pain. They weren't unusual feelings they were just heightened. I summoned a piece of paper a wrote down

I'm going to be at the bayou don't worry about me I'll be back in a bit love you all

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now