The Mikaelson Mansion

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Josie's POV

I opened the door of the school to see Rebekah and Freya bickering which they didn't do much so it was strange to see them like that but what was weirder was to see Kol and Lizzie laughing while Davina was trying to get everyone in the car but failing. Once Davina saw Hope she screamed "Finally Hope get everyone in the car" Hope looked over to me with a Mikaelson smirk and walked down the steps that took everyone out of the conversation and they started piling into the car. Davina was driving and Kol was in the passenger seat, Hope was in the middle of me and Lizzie in the middle row. Freya and Rebekah were in the back. "Where's marcel" Hope asked noticing he wasn't there and he was usually stuck to her aunt. "He decided that he didn't want to be dragged around by Rebekah all day" Kol called from the front which made Rebekah shoot him a glare.

No-one could hear what they were saying but Rebekah and Freya were still arguing in the back. I didn't pay much attention to them because Hope was teasingly rubbing our thighs together and put her hand on thigh. Lizzie was staring out the window so she didn't notice and everyone else was doing there own thing. Hope went over to my ear and it looked like she was going to whisper but instead she nibbled on my ear nearly making me moan then down to my neck leaving little love bites. I was so close to moaning so I coughed and Hope stopped not wanting to get caught yet. She always said a little illusion spell not wanting people to see them. I accepted the fact that she wasn't ready but we had to tell people soon.

The car stopped outside a huge mall and we started to get out. Kol kept on groaning about how lucky marcel had been to skip this because he would have to hold our bags. We were walking around when Rebekah yelped "Dress shop everyone in now Kol your Holding bags" So far it was only Rebekah and Lizzies bags he was holding. We all got dragged inside the shop and started trying on dress's. Me and Hope were looking around and hadn't found anything we really wanted yet whilst Davina had already found hears it was navy blue and went all the way down to the floor it had a ribbon bodes making it tight around the chest.

Hope's POV

Rebekah and Lizzie where still trying some on and had piles of them left. Josie had picked out a few but wasn't sure yet. That's when I saw this beautiful indigo coloured dress that would look perfect on I Josie pointed it out to her and she gasped and instantly knew it was the dress. She picked it of the clothing rack Kissed me on the cheek when no-one was looking and went to the changing rooms. I was still looking and couldn't find one yet.

Rebekah and Lizzie figured out which dress's They wanted to wear after hours of trying them in and bought them. Lizzie's was a light blue with off the shoulder straps and a puffy skirt (The one Sebastian gave her in the prison world).Rebekah's dress was emerald green with black sparkles on it flowed down to her feet and had a tight bodes. Freya chose the first once she saw because she did a spell for which one would look the best, it was deep red had an off the shoulder short sleeves that were frilled and went around the front and back. It flowed from the top and was a lace fabric (Freya's wedding dress in the original's but red).

Josie hadn't let me see hers on her yet but it was indigo with a sparkly bodes it was strapless and the skirt was lined with gems and it poofed all around her making her look like a princess my princess. I still hadn't figured out which one I wanted. Everyone was getting impatient and decided to go on the other side of the shop to look for shoes while I looked around and I saw the perfect one. The bodes was black and covered in crescent moons that went down to the bottom slowly getting less and less. The skirt poofed out from the bodes with this grey black colour and I loved it. I didn't need to try any others on I knew it was the one. I checked the size and went to buy it.

I went up to the desk and paid for it putting it in a bag because I did not wanting anyone to see it until tomorrow, The one thing that made me anxious to wear it was it didn't have sleeves. I decided I was going to put an illusion spell on to cover the scars, and also the hickeys Josie had left.

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon